1,015 datasets found

Keywords: astrophysical processes

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  • Abell 370 MUSE redshifts

    We present a strong lensing analysis on the massive cluster Abell 370 (A370; z=0.375), using a combination of deep multiband Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging and Multi-Unit...
  • Radio pulsars post-glitchs

    Timing observations of rapidly rotating neutron stars revealed a great number of glitches, observed from both canonical radio pulsars and magnetars. Among them, 76 glitches have...
  • Spectral evolution of 4U 1543-47 in 2002

    We investigate the viscous evolution of the accretion disc in 4U 1543-47, a black hole binary system, during the first 30 d after the peak of the 2002 burst by comparing the...
  • Galaxies inside 120 arcsec of HE 0435-1223

    Based on spectroscopy and multiband wide-field observations of the gravitationally lensed quasar HE 0435-1223, we determine the probability distribution function of the external...
  • Faraday rotation in Magellanic Bridge

    We present an investigation into the magnetism of the Magellanic Bridge, carried out through the observation of Faraday rotation towards 167 polarized extragalactic radio...
  • Lensed and extended quasars

    Wide-field photometric surveys enable searches of rare yet interesting objects, such as strongly lensed quasars or quasars with a bright host galaxy. Past searches for lensed...
  • R-band light curves of HE 0435-1223

    We present the results from thirteen years of optically monitoring the gravitationally lensed z_QSO_= 1.693 quasar HE 0435-1223. The R-band light curves of the four individual...
  • HATLAS candidate lensed galaxies

    We present a sample of 80 candidate strongly lensed galaxies with flux density above 100mJy at 500{mu}m extracted from the Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey,...
  • Planet-hosting solar-type stars magnetic fields

    We present a spectropolarimetric snapshot survey of solar-type planet-hosting stars. In addition to 14 planet-hosting stars observed as part of the BCool magnetic snapshot...
  • MiMeS magnetic analysis of O-type stars

    We present the analysis performed on spectropolarimetric data of 97 O-type targets included in the framework of the Magnetism in Massive Stars (MiMeS) Survey. Mean least-squares...
  • Sample of faint X-ray pulsators

    We report on the discovery of 41 new pulsating sources in the data of the Chandra Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer, which is sensitive to X-ray photons in the 0.3-10 keV band....
  • RCW121 stars polarimetric study

    We present a polarimetric study of the RCW121 star-forming region to derive the orientation of the sky-projected magnetic field component traced by the polarization vectors, the...
  • Field RR Lyrae stars

    This paper presents an extensive overview of known and proposed RR Lyrae stars in binaries. The aim is to revise and extend the list with new Galactic field systems. We utilized...
  • 42 millisecond pulsars high-precision timing

    We report on the high-precision timing of 42 radio millisecond pulsars (MSPs) observed by the European Pulsar Timing Array (EPTA). This EPTA Data Release 1.0 extends up to...
  • OGLE-III Parallax microlensing events

    Most stellar remnants so far have been found in binary systems, where they interact with matter from their companions. Isolated neutron stars and black holes are difficult to...
  • Gravitationally lensed quasars

    We present the results of an imaging observation campaign conducted with the Subaru Telescope adaptive optics system (IRCS+AO188) on 28 gravitationally lensed quasars and...
  • Frequency of snowline-region planets

    We present a statistical analysis of the first four seasons from a 'second-generation' microlensing survey for extrasolar planets, consisting of near-continuous time coverage of...
  • HTRU survey new pulsars

    We present initial results from the low-latitude Galactic plane region of the High Time Resolution Universe pulsar survey conducted at the Parkes 64-m radio telescope. We...
  • GAMA blended spectra catalogue

    We present the catalogue of blended galaxy spectra from the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey. These are cases where light from two galaxies are significantly detected in a...
  • Multifrequency pulsar scatter time sample

    We present our results of pulse broadening time estimates and the study of the frequency scaling of this quantity for 60 pulsars based on actual multifrequency scattering...
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