633 datasets found

Keywords: h ii regions

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  • RRL and continuum data of 21 Galactic H II regions

    Elemental abundance patterns in the Galactic disk constrain theories of the formation and evolution of the Milky Way. H II region abundances are the result of billions of years...
  • Spatial structure of young stellar clusters. I.

    The clusters of young stars in massive star-forming regions show a wide range of sizes, morphologies, and numbers of stars. Their highly subclustered structures are revealed by...
  • Catalog of M31 SNR candidates

    We present a survey of optically emitting supernova remnants (SNRs) in M31 based on H{alpha} and [S II] images in the Local Group Survey. Using these images, we select objects...
  • AKARI NIR spectral atlas of Galactic HII regions

    Using a large collection of near-infrared spectra (2.5-5.4 {mu}m) of Galactic HII regions and HII region-like objects, we perform a systematic investigation of astronomical...
  • IR photometry of YSOs in the W40 region

    We present a multiwavelength study of the W40 star-forming region using infrared (IR) observations in the UKIRT JHK bands, Spitzer Infrared Array Camera bands, and Herschel PACS...
  • 90GHz obs. of high-mass star-forming regions

    The chemical changes of high-mass star-forming regions provide a potential method for classifying their evolutionary stages and, ultimately, ages. In this study, we search for...
  • HII region kinematic distances

    We make a comprehensive study of H I absorption toward H II regions located within |l|<10{deg}. Structures in the extreme inner Galaxy are traced using the longitude-velocity...
  • Pa{alpha} (1.87um) LF of HII regions in 12 galaxies

    The H II region luminosity function (LF) is an important tool for deriving the birthrates and mass distribution of OB associations and is an excellent tracer of the newly formed...
  • YSO candidates in G38.9-0.4 region

    We present a study of the star formation (SF) region G38.9-0.4 using publicly available multiwavelength Galactic plane surveys from ground- and space-based observatories. This...
  • Water and methanol masers in G75.78+0.34

    We present subarcsecond observations toward the massive star-forming region G75.78+0.34. We used the Very Large Array to study the centimeter continuum and H_2_O and CH_3_OH...
  • Metallicity profile of M31 HII regions and PNe

    The oxygen abundance gradients among nebular emission line regions in spiral galaxies have been used as important constraints for models of chemical evolution. We present the...
  • [NeII] emission line observations from SgrA West

    We present new observations of the [NeII] emission from the ionized gas in Sgr A West with improved resolution and sensitivity. About half of the emission comes from gas with...
  • Galactic HII regions RRL and continuum data

    The distribution of metals in the Galaxy provides important information about galaxy formation and evolution. HII regions are the most luminous objects in the Milky Way at...
  • Star-forming regions in NGC 6822 from UV data

    We characterize the star formation in the low-metallicity galaxy NGC 6822 over the past few hundred million years, using GALEX far-UV (FUV, 1344-1786{AA}) and near-UV (NUV,...
  • BLAST 2005: a 10deg^2^ survey in Cygnus X

    We present Cygnus X in a new multi-wavelength perspective based on an unbiased BLAST survey at 250, 350, and 500um, combined with rich data sets for this well-studied region....
  • X-rays from the star-forming complex W40

    The young stellar cluster illuminating the W40 HII region, one of the nearest massive star-forming regions, has been observed with the ACIS detector on board the Chandra X-ray...
  • YSOs in the LMC star-forming region N206

    We present analysis of the energetic star-forming region Henize 206 (N206) located near the southern edge of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) based on photometric data from the...
  • VLA observation of molecular clumps

    We have conducted a search for ionized gas at 3.6cm, using the Very Large Array, toward 31 Galactic intermediate- and high-mass clumps detected in previous millimeter continuum...
  • Photometry in the cometary globule Ori I-2

    We investigate the young stellar population in and near the cometary globule Ori I-2. The analysis is based on deep Nordic Optical Telescope R-band and H{alpha} images, JCMT...
  • Embedded YSO candidates in W51

    We present 737 candidate young stellar objects (YSOs) near the W51 giant molecular cloud over an area of 1.25x1.00{deg} selected from Spitzer Space Telescope data. We use...
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