Monitoring water flow in karst using passive seismic 'listening'
Detecting and quantifying water flow structures in heterogeneous karst through geophysical imagery of karst structures, is open to large uncertainties. Here we determine that... -
Cliff coast failures on the Jasmund part of Rügen, Germany
Cliffs line many erosional coastlines. Localized failures can cause land loss and hazard, and impact ecosystems and sediment routing. Links between cliff erosion and forcing... -
The WAVEOBS project was established with three primary goals; to get a better fundamental understanding of microseism sources in the north-east Atlantic near Ireland; to... -
sdaas - a Python tool computing an amplitude anomaly score of seismic data an...
The increasingly high number of big data applications in seismology has made quality control tools to filter, discard, or rank data of extreme importance. In this framework,... -
Catalog of start and end times of lava fountaining episodes from 2 May to 14 ...
The Fagradalsfjall eruption from 19 March to 18 September 2021 featured lava fountaining episodes from 2 May to 14 June. These episodes were recorded as tremor pulses on our... -
Source Inversion Report On The 24 January 2020 Mw 6.8 Elazığ-Sivrice Earthquake
This interactive webpage contains supplementary information for the publication by Jamalreyhani et al., 2020: Seismicity related to the eastern sector of Anatolian escape... -
Seismic experiment at the Strokkur Geyser, Iceland, allows to derive a catalo...
Geysers are accessible sites of hot pots, springs and pools that regularly erupt. To investigate the frequency and dynamics of water eruptions we setup a local broadband seismic... -
Processed seismic data and ERT inversion models used in the estimation of inj...
Seismic and geoelectric/electro-magnetic methods are used as complementary tools for the identification of fluid/gas effects in underground storage and production scenarios....