1,592 datasets found

Keywords: chemical abundances

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  • Ca4227 indices in early-type galaxies

    We have investigated the abundance of calcium in early-type galaxies by measuring the strength of the CaI {lambda}4227 absorption line in their integrated spectra. The database...
  • Abundances and velocities in globular clusters

    We have compiled a sample of globular clusters with high-quality stellar abundances from the literature to compare to the chemistries of stars in the Galaxy and in dwarf...
  • Metallicity indices in open clusters

    We present metallicity estimates for seven open clusters based on spectrophotometric indices from moderate-resolution spectroscopy. Observations of field giants of known...
  • Cepheids with periods between 3 and 6 days

    We present the results of a detailed multiphase spectroscopic analysis of six classical Cepheids with pulsation periods between 3 and 6 days. For each star we have derived...
  • Optical-infrared colors of CORALS QSOs

    The presence of dust in quasar absorbers, such as damped Ly{alpha} (DLA) systems, may cause the background QSO to appear reddened. We investigate the extent of this potential...
  • C and N abundances for M15 stars

    We present an analysis of a large sample of moderate-resolution Keck Low Resolution Imaging Spectrometer spectra of subgiants and stars at the base of the red giant branch (RGB)...
  • Abundances of stars within 15pc of the Sun

    We present an abundance analysis for stars within 15pc of the Sun located north of -30{deg} declination. We have limited our abundance sample to absolute magnitudes brighter...
  • Galactic stellar abundances

    To compare the chemistries of stars in the Milky Way dwarf spheroidal (dSph) satellite galaxies with stars in the Galaxy, we have compiled a large sample of Galactic stellar...
  • NStars project: the Northern Sample. I.

    We have embarked on a project, under the aegis of the Nearby Stars (NStars)/Space Interferometry Mission Preparatory Science Program, to obtain spectra, spectral types, and,...
  • Abundances in M3 and M13

    We analyze high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio spectra of six red giant branch (RGB) stars in the globular cluster M3 (NGC 5272) and three in M13 (NGC 6205) that were...
  • Proper motions of metal-poor stars

    We present a revised catalog of 2106 Galactic stars, selected without kinematic bias and with available radial velocities, distance estimates, and metal abundances in the range...
  • Low-mass stars evolutionary tracks & isochrones

    These files contain a large database of stellar models that are suitable to modelling star clusters and galaxies by means of population synthesis. They are based on a large grid...
  • Yields of intermediate mass stars

    We present theoretical yields of H, ^4^He, ^12^C, ^13^C, ^14^N, and ^16^O for stars with initial masses between 0.8 and 8M_{sun}_ and initial metallicities Z=0.001, 0.004,...
  • Molecular abundances in dense interstellar clouds

    In this paper we present calculated fractional abundances in dense interstellar clouds for selected atomic and molecular species using three different homogeneous,...
  • Stellar models VI.

    New grids of models covering the evolution of low mass stars (0.8 to 1.7M{sun}) with metallicities Z=0.020 and 0.001 from the zero age main sequence up to the end of the early...
  • Chemical evolution of the galactic disk II.

    Equivalent widths of programme stars used in Paper I (1993A&A...275..101E, see catalog ) from observations at ESO and McDonald observatories are compared.
  • Transitions of SI in visible and infra-red

    (no description available)
  • Chemical abundances in LINERs from MaNGA. I

    The chemical enrichment in low-ionization nuclear emission-line regions (LINERs) is still an issue with spatial resolution spectroscopic data due to the lack of studies and the...
  • Bulk metallicity of giant planets around M stars

    Determination of the bulk metallicity of giant exoplanets is essential in order to constrain their formation and evolution pathways and to compare them to the Solar System....
  • SPLUS DR4 VAC - Predicted Parameters

    The APOGEE, GALAH, and LAMOST spectroscopic surveys have substantially contributed to our understanding of the Milky Way by providing a wide range of stellar parameters and...
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