Stellar evolution. II. Post-AGB
We present a set of evolutionary tracks for central stars of planetary nebulae in the range from 0.53 to 0.94M_{sun}. These models are based on extensive stellar evolution... -
Rotating neutron stars models. I.
(no description available) -
Low-mass stars
(no description available) -
Evolutionary Sequences
The tracks cover the mass interval from 0.6 to 120M_{sun}_, for 7 different metallicities The isochrones are derived from the evolutionary tracks listed in the item above. -
Evolutionary models of evolved stars
Tables are given for all of the evolutionary tracks in the paper, which represent the evolution from the Zero-Age Horizontal Branch to a point either late in the AGB evolution,... -
Galaxies Chemical and photometric evolution models
We summarize the updated set of multiphase chemical evolution models performed with 44 theoretical radial mass initial distributions and 10 possible values of efficiencies to... -
Stellar Models until He burning
Grids of stellar evolutionary models published in the 4 papers referenced below are merged here. OPAL opacities with LS coupling and Grevesse composition were adopted, and... -
Stellar yields and the initial mass function
We present a set of 144 Galactic chemical evolution models applied to a Milky Way analogue, computed using four sets of low+intermediate star nucleosynthetic yields, six massive... -
POPSTAR models. III. Young star clusters
This is the third paper of a series reporting the results from the POPSTAR evolutionary synthesis models. The main goal of this work is to present and discuss the synthetic... -
PopStar II. Giant HII regions models
This is the second paper of a series reporting the results from the popstar evolutionary synthesis models. Here, we present synthetic emission-line spectra of HII regions... -
Tracers of stellar mass-loss. I.
We present optical and IR integrated colours and SBF magnitudes, computed from stellar population synthesis models that include emission from the dusty envelopes surrounding... -
PopStar I: Evolutionary synthesis models
We present new evolutionary synthesis models for Simple Stellar Populations for a wide range of ages and metallicities. The models are based on the Padova isochrones. The core... -
Isochrone database for single- and binary-star SSPs
We first presented an isochrone data base that can be widely used for stellar population synthesis studies and colour-magnitude diagram (CMD) fitting. The data base consists of... -
UV-upturn of elliptical galaxies model
A long-standing problem in the study of elliptical galaxies is the far-ultraviolet (FUV) excess in their spectra (also known as UV-upturn, UV rising-branch, UV rising flux, or... -
Grid of chemical evolution models for galaxies
We present a generalization of the multiphase chemical evolution model applied to a wide set of theoretical galaxies with different masses and evolutionary rates. This... -
Stellar evolution models for Z = 0.0001 to 0.03
We have calculated a grid of empirically well tested evolutionary tracks with masses M between 0.5 and 50M_{sun}_, spaced by approximately 0.1 in log M, and with metallicities... -
Population model of binary stars in the Galaxy
A comparative study of the population of the galactic binary stars is performed for two modes of star formation: star formation at a constant rate over 10^+10^yrs, and a burst... -
Bulge+disk decompositions of SDSS galaxies
We perform two-dimensional, point-spread-function-convolved, bulge+disk decompositions in the g and r bandpasses on a sample of 1123718 galaxies from the Legacy area of the... -
Variations on debris disks. II.
We describe comprehensive calculations of the formation of icy planets and debris disks at 30-150AU around 1-3M_{sun}_ stars. Disks composed of large, strong planetesimals... -
Predicted IR excesses for protoplanetary disks
We describe calculations for the formation of icy planets and debris disks at 30-150AU around 1-3M_{sun} stars. Debris disk formation coincides with the formation of planetary...