An Atlas of Near Infrared Stellar Spectra
The atlas represents a collection of spectra in the wavelength range 2.00 to 2.45 micrometers having a resolution of approximately 0.02 micrometers. The sample of 73 stars... -
Spectrophotometry of 1588 stars
The present catalogue contains 2238 energy distribution data for 1588 objects in the spectral region 320-817nm by steps of 2.5nm. It is based on the following spectrophotometric... -
Spectrophotometry of 60 stars
Spectral energy distributions were photoelectrically measured from 320 to 860 nm with a resolution of 1 nm in equidistant steps of 1 nm for 60 bright southern and equatorial... -
Spectrophotometric Standards
Observers at the National Optical Astronomy Observatories have provided spectrophotometry for 25 stars in the visual magnitude range 7.5 to 16.6. This document describes the... -
UV Bright-Star Spectrophotometric Supplement
This catalogue is a supplement of the Ultraviolet Bright Star Spectrophotometric Catalogue (=III/39A). It contains observations carried out by the S2/68 Ultraviolet Sky Survey... -
Absolute Calibration of Stellar Spectrophotometry
The catalog contains the absolute fluxes for 16 stars published in Tables 1 and 2 of Johnson (1980). The absolute calibrations were accomplished by combining the 13-color... -
Southern Spectrophotometric Standards. I + II
M. Hamuy, et al. have compiled their observations of secondary and tertiary spectrophotometric standard stars for the southern hemisphere in the wavelength range 3300-7550... -
Phot and Spectrophot Investigation, South Gal Pole
Photoelectric magnitudes and colors in the Johnson-Morgan UBV system for 477 stars in 6 square degrees near Kapteyn Selected Area 141 (l=245, b=-86; 00 43 < RA < 01 11,... -
Library of Spectra (0.5 to 2.5um) of Cool Stars
The present catalogue contains 182 low resolution optical spectra, 145 medium resolution (R~1100) near-IR spectra, and 112 merged optical+near-IR spectra that range from about... -
INES: The IUE Newly Extracted Spectra
IUE (International Ultraviolet Explorer) performed UV spectrophotometry at resolutions of 0.2 and 6 Angstroms from 1150 to 3350 Angstroms, acquiring more than 104000 spectra of...