In-situ high resolution neutron diffraction studies of cemented carbides
Cemented carbides are composite materials manufactured via powder metallurgy. The excellent wear resistance, high hardness, and high toughness make them widely used materials in... -
The high temperature high pressure behaviour of ammonia hydrates
Ammonia hydrates are important constituents of the outer solar system. In recent x-ray studies we have found evidence for a solid solution between ice and ammonia at high... -
Time Resolved Studies on Inorganic Film Formation at the Air-Solution Interface
In a recent SURF experiment on the formation of silica films templated with cat-anionic/polymer complexes we found that the film growth and evolution occurs on a faster time... -
Magnetic and crystal structures of substituted BiFeO3 from high resolution ne...
The multiferroic perovskite BiFeO3 is the only material that displays both ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic order at RT. Significant efforts are aimed at better understanding... -
Interlayer and Interparticle Water in Clays
Clay barriers are routinely used in nuclear waste repositories to isolate radionuclides from the biosphere. Such barriers have to be carefully designed to remain effective for... -
The hypersensitivity of the water phase diagram to ammonium fluoride doping
Water displays a highly complex phase diagram that is key to a range of critical processes, from the evolution of icy moons to that of the Earth's hydrosphere and even of life... -
Structure Solution of the High-Pressure Polymorphs of Hydroxylamine
This proposal requests the allocation of six days beamtime on PEARL to collect neutron powder diffraction data suitable for the structure solution of phases II and III of... -
Thermal expansion of recovered high-pressure ice polymorphs
The ambient-pressure phase of ice is a well-known example of a molecular solid that exhibits negative volume thermal expansion below 60 K. In a recent study carried out on HRPD... -
Structure of chain-grafted silica nanoparticles
The aim of the proposed experiment is to carry out a series of SANS measurements on chain-grafted silica nanoparticles prepared in our laboratory. In this experiment we plan to... -
Pd, Ni, V, Nb and Ti capping layer clamping effects in hydrogen cycling in Ca...
We ask for 8 days of beam time on CRISP to study the absorption and desorption of hydrogen and deuterium in Ti/Mg/Pd trilayer samples. Our specific objective is to understand in... -
Diffusion Kinetics in Multilayer Organic Films for OLEDs
Conjugated organic semiconductors form an exciting class of materials that can be used in a variety of cutting edge technologies including organic light-emitting diodes (OLED),... -
Effect of alloying on the misfit of Ni-Ni3Al-Ni3V alloys
Ni-base superalloys have long been used in high temperature applications, including the high-demand environments of the high pressure turbines in jet engines. The remarkable... -
Vibrational density of states for GeO2, an archetypal ¿strong¿ network glass
The object of this proposal is to measure the partial vibrational density of states (VDOS) within the incoherent approximation for the archetypal 'strong' network forming glass... -
Investigation of the relevant thermodynamic parameters for the production of ...
With fantastic flux gains over its liquid conterpart, a solid methane moderator is essential to the newly built Second Target Station at ISIS. Unfortunately, it is notoriously... -
High Temperature Micromechanics Ni-based Superalloys: Creep, Stress Relaxatio...
In this study, in-situ high-temperature loading investigations will be performed to characterise the micromechanics of a high strength alloy 720Li, during stress relaxation in... -
Magnetic ordering in the frustrated honeycomb antiferromagnet Li2IrO3
This proposal is part of our research programme to explore novel ground states in frustrated quantum magnets. Strong spin-orbit coupling is predicted to stabilize composite... -
Proton diffusion in lithium imide: a quasi-elastic neutron scattering study
Li_2NH has been recently considered for H_2 storage applications. However, its low-T crystal structure is still controversial, with at least 6 options compatible with the... -
Probing the interaction of hydrogen with supported gold nanoparticles
Small gold nanoparticles (1-5 nm) supported on metal oxides are extremely active catalysts for C-C coupling, aerobic oxidations and selective hydrogenations. The interaction of... -
Spin-Luttinger Liquid phase in a model strong-rung quantum spin ladder
Spin ladders represent a class of low-dimensional quantum magnets that occupy a regime of subtle behaviour which lies between the stark extremes of the one-dimensional chain or... -
Temperature driven spin incoherence and criticality in the Luttinger liquid p...
We propose an experiment on the low energy spectrometer LET to study temperature effects on the Luttinger liquid (LL) phase on the spin ladder geometry. The spin ladder material...