835 datasets found

Keywords: eclipsing binary stars

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  • Eclipsing Binary with Eccentric Orbits Catalog

    A new catalog of eclipsing binary stars with eccentric orbits is presented. The catalog lists the physical parameters (including apsidal motion parameters) of 124 eclipsing...
  • New times of minima of VZ CVn

    We present new photometric two-colour observations of the double-lined close binary star VZ CVn. Combining two data sets obtained in 1971-72 and in 2006, the physical parameters...
  • Spectra of 5 faint cataclysmic variables

    We present medium-resolution VLT/FORS2 spectroscopy of six cataclysmic variables (CVs) discovered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We determine orbital periods for SDSS...
  • Angular momentum evolution of Algol binaries

    We have compiled the well-determined absolute parameters of Algol-type binaries. The lists contain the parameters of 74 detached and 61 semi-detached close binaries. The...
  • Catalogue of close binaries

    A catalogue of close eclipsing binary systems (detached and semidetached) with at least one of the components located in the delta Scuti region of the Cepheid instability strip...
  • Kinematics of W UMa-type binaries

    The kinematics of 129 W Ursae Majoris type binaries (W UMas) were studied. The sample is heterogeneous with different orbits and physically different components from F to K...
  • uvby photometry of AB Cas

    Table 1 contents 1313 simultaneous measurements collected in each of the four uvby colours of the Stromgren photometric system for the semi-detached Algol-type eclipsing binary...
  • uVI photometry of 3 LMC eclipsing binaries

    CCD differential photometry in the Stromgren u, Johnson V and Cousins I bands is presented of three hot, luminous eclipsing binary stars in the Magellanic Clouds. Observations...
  • Catalogue of eclipsing binaries in the SMC

    The catalogue lists 167 eclipsing binary stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud detected in the database of time-series photometry for 400000 SMC stars acquired by the Microlensing...
  • AS Cam photometry

    I have performed V photometric observations of the well known eclipsing elliptic variable AS Cam which demonstrates slow apsidal motion for a long time. All available light...
  • ASAS-SN eclipsing contact binaries with Gaia DR3

    Starting from more than 11200 short-period (less than 0.5 days) EW-type eclipsing binary candidates with the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae V-band light curves, we use...
  • Am stars selected in LAMOST DR8-DR10

    A total of about 21,600 Am candidates were detected with the MKCLASS code based on the low-resolution spectra of the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope...
  • Pulsating components in EBs from TESS

    Based on 2 minute cadence TESS data from sectors 1-50, we report the results of the systematic extraction of {delta} Scuti-type pulsations in the 6431 eclipsing binaries with...
  • Kepler P<2d close binaries

    Contact binary star systems represent the long-lived penultimate phase of binary evolution. Population statistics of their physical parameters inform an understanding of binary...
  • Kepler eclipsing binaries with Gaia data

    The O'Connell effect --the presence of unequal maxima in eclipsing binaries-- remains an unsolved riddle in the study of close binary systems. The Kepler space telescope...
  • Eclipsing quadruple star candidates from TESS

    We present a catalog of 97 uniformly vetted candidates for quadruple star systems. The candidates were identified in TESS full-frame image data from sectors 1-42 through a...
  • EA-type eclipsing binaries observed by TESS

    Pulsating stars in eclipsing binaries are very important for understanding the structure of stellar interiors through asteroseismology because their absolute parameters such as...
  • TESS Eclipsing Binary stars. I. Sectors 1-26

    In this paper we present a catalog of 4584 eclipsing binaries observed during the first two years (26 sectors) of the TESS survey. We discuss selection criteria for eclipsing...
  • Short period eclipsing binaries from Kepler data

    During the primary Kepler mission, between 2009 and 2013, about 150,000 preselected targets were observed with a 29.42 minute long cadence. However, a survey of background stars...
  • Morphology of OGLE LCs of Eclipsing binaries

    The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) continuously monitors hundreds of thousands of eclipsing binaries in the Galactic bulge field and the Magellanic Clouds....
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