200 datasets found

Keywords: associations

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  • Evaluation of Finnish National Innovation System 2009: Associations

    Kysely on osa laajempaa Suomen innovaatiojärjestelmää arvioivaa INNOEVAL-tutkimusta. Kyselyssä selvitettiin järjestöjen näkemyksiä Suomen innovaatiojärjestelmästä. Aluksi...
  • Terveyden edistämisen barometri 2010: jäsenjärjestöt

    Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin terveyden edistämisen sisältöä, nykytilaa ja tulevaisuutta Terveyden edistämisen keskus ry:n jäsenjärjestöissä. Kyselyssä tiedusteltiin eri...
  • Sosiaalilääketieteilijän identiteetti 1999

    Sosiaalilääketieteen yhdistyksen jäsenille 1990-luvun lopulla suunnatun kyselyn avulla oli tarkoitus selvittää, millainen käsitys heillä on Sosiaalilääketieteellisestä...
  • ISSP 2014: kansalaisosallistuminen II: Suomen aineisto

    Tutkimus käsittelee kansalaisvaikuttamista Suomessa sekä suhtautumista yhteiskunnalliseen vaikuttamiseen. Aluksi vastaajilta kysyttiin, miten tärkeinä he pitävät erilaisia...
  • Interviews on Peer Support and Experiential Knowledge in Child and Family Ser...

    Aineisto koostuu 24 lapsi- ja perhepalveluiden parissa työskentelevän esihenkilön haastattelulitteraatiosta. Haastatteluilla kartoitettiin organisaatioiden ja järjestöiden...
  • Svensk valundersökning 1960

    This is the second election study carried out in Sweden in connection with a Swedish general election. One of the areas covered in this election study was newspaper reading...
  • Svensk valundersökning 1964

    The 1964 election study was the start of a three-stage panel in which the same respondents were interviewed at the elections of 1964, 1968 and 1970. Questions were asked about...
  • Svensk valundersökning 1976

    This study is part of the collection of Swedish election studies fielded continuously since 1956. The 1976 study was the first election study to cover the nuclear power issue,...
  • Svensk valundersökning 1956

    In the first Swedish election study the respondents were interviewed twice, once before and once after the parliamentary election in September 1956. The pre-election schedule...
  • Svensk valundersökning 1968

    The 1968 election study is almost twice as big as the earlier election studies, largely because of the goal of the survey, which was to cover the system of representation. A...
  • Svensk valundersökning 1973

    This study is number six in the collection of Swedish election studies carried out in connection with a general election. In 1973 a new kind of panel was introduced. This was a...
  • Arbetet, facket och medbestämmandet 1979

    In 1977 a new law called 'Act on Co-determination' came into force in Sweden. According to this law trade unions have the right to be informed about all circumstances that are,...
  • Arbetet, facket och medbestämmandet 1979_2

    In 1977 a new law called 'Act on Co-determination' came into force in Sweden. According to this law trade unions have the right to be informed about all circumstances that are,...
  • Arbetet, facket och medbestämmandet 1981

    In 1977 a new law called 'Act on Co-determination' came into force in Sweden. According to this law trade unions have the right to be informed about all circumstances that are,...
  • Arbetet, facket och medbestämmandet 1981_2

    In 1977 a new law called 'Act on Co-determination' came into force in Sweden. According to this law trade unions have the right to be informed about all circumstances that are,...
  • Svensk valundersökning 1970

    The 1970 election study differs from the others because the entire survey was carried out after election day. Different techniques were used: about 1/3 of the sample were...
  • Svensk opinion 1979

    This is the first survey in a collection of studies on Swedish opinion conducted during the period 1979-1985. While the purpose has been to collect rather detailed information...
  • Svensk valundersökning 1979

    The Swedish election study 1979 was carried out in connection with the general election in September. Many of the questions are replications of questions asked in previous...
  • Fackföreningsundersökningen 1974_3

    To describe democracy within the trade union movement through the interaction between members and elected representatives. The survey consists of five part studies, with fairly...
  • Samhällsförändring i Sverige 1976 - Enkätundersökningen

    The study tries to find out what interaction there is between employees working situation and working conditions and their perception of and attitudes towards different types of...
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