Dataset for the Segmentation of Industrial Burner Flames
The published dataset contains images and masks related to the research article with the title "Segmentation of Industrial Burner Flames: A Comparative Study from Traditional... -
Dataset ice nucleating activity of Arctic sea surface microlayer samples and ...
This dataset contains all the measurements used for the analysis of the respective publication. More details on the measurement setup etc. can be found in there. The data... -
Data sets for the research article "Ice nucleation ability of ammonium sulfat...
This repository contains the datasets used in the study "Ice nucleation ability of ammonium sulfate aerosol particles internally mixed with secondary organics"by Bertozzi et al.... -
Data supplement for the publication: A multi-disciplinary analysis of the exc...
Supplementary data for the publication: Mohr, S., Ehret, U., Kunz, M., Ludwig, P., Caldas-Alvarez, A., Daniell, J. E., Ehmele, F., Feldmann, H., Franca, M. J., Gattke, C.,... -
Data sets to research article by Möhler et al. “The portable ice nucleation e...
The repository comprises data from ice nucleation experiments with the PINE instrument shown in the research article Möhler et al., The portable ice nucleation experiment PINE:... -
Data sets for the research article "Solid ammonium nitrate aerosols as effici...
The data comprise four tables containing low-temperature infrared extinction spectra, temperature- and composition-dependent ice nucleation onsets, and ice nucleation active... -
Data sets for the research article "Heterogeneous ice nucleation ability of a...
The data are provided as tables in the two subfolders “INSEKT.zip” and “AIDA.zip”, comprising the ice nucleation experiments with the INSEKT cold-stage instrument under... -
Data set for the research article "Particle shapes and infrared extinction sp...
The data file contains the table of the infrared refractive indices for the β-NAD modification. It has three columns. First column: Wavelength in micrometer. Second column: Real... -
Data sets for the research article "High-resolution optical constants of crys...
The data comprise eleven tables containing low-temperature infrared refractive indices for crystalline ammonium nitrate. The syntax of the file names and the contents of the... -
Data and scripts for article Albern et al. 2021: "Tropical cloud-radiative ch...
This data set contains the scripts and model output needed for the analysis in the paper. Included is output from the ICON, MPI-ESM and IPSL-CM5A models. The simulations were... -
Data and scripts for "Clouds, radiation and atmospheric circulation in the pr...
Data needed for the plots and analysis in the review paper. The scripts are provided here as tarball from https://github.com/aikovoigt/cloud-radiation-circulation-review, git... -
Controls on subtropical cloud reflectivity during a waterbelt scenario for th...
This archive contains A) the data and B) the analysis scripts corresponding to the manuscript “Controls on subtropical cloud reflectivity during a waterbelt scenario for the... -
Combined gridded stratospheric sulfur dioxide (SO2) dataset (v1) from MIPAS
:title = "Binned SO2 volume mixing ratio (vmr) profiles from MIPAS single retrievals combined with SO2 vmr profiles from MIPAS 10deg zonal and monthly mean spectra";... -
Column amounts of atmospheric HCOOH recorded by the FTIR stations Kiruna and ...
Messungen der Gesamtsäulengehalte von HCOOH in der Erdatmosphäre, gewonnen an den FTIR-Stationen Kiruna und Izana des NDACC (Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition... -
Cloud observing data of 85 stations in western Central Africa
Der Datensatz beinhaltet den Wolkentyp und die Wolkenbedeckung von synoptischen Wetteraufzeichnungen an 85 verschiedenen Stationen im westlichen Zentralafrika. Einerseits... -
Climate model simulations for publication "No Cookie for climate change"
Climate model simulation data for publication "No Cookie for climate change" by Aiko Voigt and Nicole Albern, accepted in Geophysical Research Letters; more info is given in the... -
Cloud top phase distributions of simulated deep convective clouds
Cloud variables of the warm bubble and semi-idealized simulations at hourly resolution, plus eight sensitivity experiments for the semi-idealized setup. Variable descriptions... -
Chromophores and chemical composition of brown carbon characterized at an urb...
The data in the Excel files are related to the publication Jiang et al., ACP, 2022. Each sheet of the Excel files corresponds to one plot in the publication as repeated below.... -
CROSSINN (Cross-valley flow in the Inn Valley investigated by dual-Doppler li...
Die hier zu findenden Datensätze wurden mit dem Cessna Grand Caravan Flugzeug (Das Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR) im Inntal, Österreich, vom 1.8.2019 bis... -
CROSSINN (Cross-valley flow in the Inn Valley investigated by dual-Doppler li...
Die hier zu findenden Datensätze wurden mit der KITcube-Messplattform im Inntal, Österreich, vom 1.8.2019 bis 13.10.2019, im Rahmen der CROSSINN-Feldkampagne (Cross-valley flow...