Strategic Migration Policy - HD.SMP 1.0 [research data]
As part of the Strategic Migration Policy project, a dataset (HD.SMP 1.0) was developed that systematizes and codes bilateral migration agreements of the destination... -
Direct and indirect effects of adverse and protective childhood experiences o...
Analysis of the psychotherapy data from the HIP (Heidelberger Institute for Psychotherapy). We checked whether the speed of patients' symptom improvement depended on their... -
Cataloging Cultural Objects (CCO) – The CCO Commons examples in VRA Core 4 XML
“Cataloging Cultural Objects - a Guide to Describing Cultural Works and Their Images” (CCO) provides a data content standard for catalogers of cultural heritage. It is a... -
Turkology Annual Online – Full bibliographic records
The "Turkologischer Anzeiger/Turkology Annual" (TA), founded by Andreas Tietze (†) and György Hazai (†), is an indispensable systematic bibliography for Turkology and Ottoman... -
retrodig: Retrodigitalisierung der Grabungsdokumentation des Kastell Heidelbe...
Zielsetzung des Projekts »retrodig« war es, die Dokumentation der umfangreichen Grabungskampagnen der Jahre 1952 und 1975 zum römischen Kastell »Neuenheim« in Heidelberg von Dr.... -
Health insurance in Kenya: A financial and health diaries dataset 2019-2021
This dataset was collected to evaluate the impact of the i-PUSH program, a digital health insurance program for low-income women and their family members in Western Kenya.... -
Background Data for: Critical thinking-in-the-making: Students’ critical thin...
The data consists of transcribed recordings of classroom dialogues in a grade 8 classroom during a weeklong «Climate project» lasting 18 lessons. All data is in Norwegian. The... -
European land use scenarios for 2050: using the Nature Futures Framework as a...
Europe is aiming to implement a number of sustainability targets to restore and protect its biodiversity under the European Green Deal and post-2020 Global Biodiversity... -
Systematic Review of Citation Bias
Systematic review and meta-analysis of citation bias. Version Date: 2017-05-15Version Text: 2 -
Discussion sur le capitalisation des interventions de l’Union européenne pour...
Dans le cadre de la mise en oeuvre du Whole of Society for Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding (WOSCAP) – Prévention des conflits et consolidation de la paix en situation post... -
CS2 video
Explanatory video CS2 -
IDTraffickers: An Authorship Attribution Dataset to link and connect Potentia...
Human trafficking (HT) is a pervasive global issue affecting vulnerable individuals, violating their fundamental human rights. Investigations reveal that a significant number of... -
VR Learning and Behavior Dataset
This package contains datasets derived from experimental data from two studies. Both studies employed a mixed-methods approach with university participants using an industrial... -
Données d'observation de la phénologie de plusieurs cultures (blé, tournesol, maïs, colza) de l'Unité Expérimentale Ferlus (Lusignan, France). Les données sont issues des... -
This dataset contains the data related to the LCA of the baseline scenario for the Greek CS of FAIRCHAIN project: - Raw data; - LCI; - LCIA; - Possible extra data (sensitivity... -
Historical Phenology Data from Versailles Research Center, INRAE, TEMPO network
Données d'observation de la phénologie de plusieurs plantes (Arbres, arbustes, fruitiers, plantes vivaces...) du centre INRAE de Versailles entre les années 1929 et 1977. Il... -
Données d'observation de la phénologie de plusieurs cultures (blé, tournesol, maïs, pois et sorgo) de l'UMR EMMAH (Avignon, France). Les données sont issues des parcelles qui... -
Replication data for: Trust in large carnivore science in Norway
The dataset is from a national survey from 2018 dealing with trust in research. We focus on large carnivore research, and the survey is based on a geographical sampling and not... -
Know your Business
Classical economic growth makes way for other values. Such as people, planet and prosperity. This is necessary for a liveable planet and a sustainable economy. We face a major... -
Supplementary data for: On the European bison’s rewilding hooves: how to visu...
This supplementary material shows the Google form used to plan interviews for the project as used in Chapter 3 - Effectiveness of illustration types in visual communication of...