Microbial resuscitation from hyperarid surface soils
The specific aim of this research was to characterize the temporal response of hyperarid soil AD microbial communities to an ex situ simulated rainfall event without nutrient... -
Design and Evaluation of Illumina MiSeq compatible 18S rRNA Primers for Impro...
A systematic analysis of the most commonly amplified 18S rRNA hypervariable regions and the effect that PCR/sequencing bias has on community representation. The V4 and V8-V9... -
Bacteria in aquaponics vs. recirculating aquaculture
Aquaponics is an innovative method for sustainable food production, where plants absorb nutrients from the effluents of fish farming. We tested if aquaponics with mint as the... -
16S microbiome analysis of amoebic gill disease in Atlantic salmon
16S microbiome analysis of gill tissue and mucus from amoebic gill disease affected Atlantic salmon from Australia -
Metagenomic survey of pre-harvest agricultural water using long read sequencing
Leafy greens are responsible for nearly half of the produce-related Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) outbreaks in the United States, implicating agricultural water... -
Nanopore Amplicon Sequencing: Drinking Water Case Studies
Current drinking water quality assurance rules in New Zealand refer to Escherichia coli and total coliforms as the primary methods for the microbiological monitoring of water... -
Microbiome profiling of cestode infection of Atlantic salmon
The concept of a holobiont, a host organism and its associated microbial communities, encapsulates the vital role the microbiome plays in the normal functioning of its host.... -
Direct high-throughput sequencing of mercury methylation genes in environment...
The gene pair hgcAB is essential for microbial mercury methylation. Therefore, improved techniques for capturing hgcAB presence and diversity are necessary for identifying both... -
The impact of primary colonizers on the community composition of river biofilm
The goals of this study were to determine the assembly sequence of phylotypes from a river into a bacterial biofilm as well as determining how the biofilm of putative fish... -
DNA metabarcoding of fungi
DNA metabarcoding utilizing nanopore long-read amplicon sequencing for rapid identification of fungal taxa with a high level of phylogenetic resolution -
Human vaginal microbiome in healthy women in Sweden
The vaginal microbiome plays a major role in female and reproductive health. To understand the dynamics of the vaginal microbiome and the changes that occur leading to disease... -
The Influence of Different High Fidelity DNA Polymerase on 16S rRNA Sequencing
Assessing differences due to high fidelity DNA polymerase to downstream 16S rRNA gene survey results. Variations in number of OTUs and chimera prevalence were found to be high... -
Conservation of genomic information in multiple displacement amplified low-qu...
Marine invertebrates and their microbiomes have been a rich source of bioactive compounds and interesting genomic features. However, factors such as which species and tissue are... -
Contributions of environmental and maternal transmission to the assembly of l...
Characterization of fungal communities of seeds and leaves of Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) along with the characterization of aerially dispersed fungi as sources of leaf... -
Metagenomic and metatranscriptomic sequencing and assembly of Photogranules
Understanding the microbial succession and algae-bacteria interaction during photogranulation process -
Rps10: a new barcode for high throughput amplicon sequencing of Oomycete comm...
Oomycetes are a group of eukaryotes related to brown algae and diatoms, many of which cause disease in plants and animals. Improved methods are needed for rapid and accurate... -
Taxonomic diversity of Blood Falls and proglacial West lobe Lake Bonney
Determine the microbiome of the end member brine from the subglacial aquifer at the source of Blood Falls by comparing with surface samples. Additionally compare with samples... -
Whole-genome sequencing of bacteria, fungi, plants, and metagenomes
Species and metagenomic samples used for the FELIX (Finding Engineering-Linked Indicators) project. -
LoopSeq paper
LoopSeq assembled 16S amplicons using Illumina PE reads -
Investigation of duckweed microbial communities
Investigation of duckweed microbial communities in natural and stress condition using V3V4 16S rRNA sequencing