Sloan Digital Sky Survey g-band
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is the deepest large scale survey of the sky currently available. SkyView dynamically queries the SDSS archive (currently release DR9) to... -
RXTE Allsky 3\-20 keV Flux
Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer was launched at the end of 1995 and up to now (2004) it has been successfully operating for more than 7 years. The mission was primarily designed to... -
ROSAT All-Sky X-ray Background Survey: Band 1
These maps present maps of ROSAT soft X-ray all-sky survey as presented in Snowden et al, ApJ 485, 125 (1997). The maps cover approximately 98% of the sky. These maps have had... -
ROSAT All-Sky X-ray Survey Broad Band: Intensity
The ROSAT All-Sky X-ray Survey was obtained during 1990/1991 using the ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC) in combination with the ROSAT X-ray Telescope... -
PSPC summed pointed observations, 0.6 degree cutoff, Intensity
The ROSAT PSPC surveys were generated by SkyView as mosaics from publically available PSPC observations. The surveys include all data available through March 1, 1997. This... -
PSPC summed pointed observations, 2 degree cutoff, Intensity
The ROSAT PSPC surveys were generated by SkyView as mosaics from publically available PSPC observations. The surveys include all data available through March 1, 1997. This... -
PSPC summed pointed observations, 1 degree cutoff, Intensity
The ROSAT PSPC surveys were generated by SkyView as mosaics from publically available PSPC observations. The surveys include all data available through March 1, 1997. This... -
Planck 857 GHz Survey: I
Planck is ESA's third generation space based cosmic microwave background experiment, operating at nine frequencies between 30 and 857 GHz and was launched May 2009.... -
NRA) VLA Sky Survey
SkyView has copied the NVSS intensity data from the NRAO FTP site. The full NVSS survey data includes information on other Stokes parameters. Observations for the 1.4 GHz... -
Dickey and Lockman HI map
This survey is derived from the 21cm maps presented by Dickey and Lockman in the ARAA 28, p215. The nH is derived assuming optically thin emission. The nH given should be... -
Mellinger All Sky Mosaic: Red
This all sky mosaic was created by Axel Mellinger and is used in SkyView with his permission. A fuller description is available at the survey website. Between... -
Improved Reprocessing of the IRAS Survey: 12
The IRIS data is a reprocessing of the IRAS data set and has the same geometry as the IRAS Sky Survey Atlas (ISSA, labeled as IRAS nnn micron in SkyView) surveys. This... -
IRAS Sky Survey Atlas: 12 micron
The IRAS data include all data distributed as part of the IRAS Sky Survey Atlas. Data from the four IRAS bands are shown as individual surveys in SkyView. Users should be aware... -
Nine Year INTEGRAL IBIS 17\-35 keV Galactic Plane Survey: Exposure
This survey combines 9 years of INTEGRAL IBIS observations from December 2002 through January 2011 into a single Galactic Plane image. A total of 135 megaseconds of exposure is... -
INTEGRAL/Spectral Imager Galactic Center Survey
The INTEGRAL observatory (Winkler et al. 2003, A&A, 411, L1) was launched in October 2002. The spectrograph SPI (Vedrenne et al. 2003, A&A, 411, L63) consists of 19... -
VLT ISAAC Ks Observations of the Southern Hubble Ultradeep Field
A very deep Ks observation of the Hubble Ultradeep Field. This observation is approximately 0.6 magnitudes deeper than the GOODS ISAAC Ks image but covers only small... -
ROSAT High Resolution Image Pointed Observations Mosaic: Intensity
This survey was generated from all available ROSAT HRI observations. Data were mosaicked into 1.1 degree tiles by SkyView. Exposure maps were generated for each HRI... -
The HI 4-PI Survey
The HI 4-PI Survey (HI4PI) is a 21-cm all-sky survey of neutral atomic hydrogen. It is constructed from the Effelsberg-Bonn HI Survey (EBHIS), made with the 100-m radio... -
Herschel Space Observatory - SPIRE
The Herschel SPIRE survey is Provenance: HERSCHEL Project. This is a service of NASA HEASARC. -
These data were generated at the HEASARC in 1994. Certain gaps and streaks in the image have been fixed by interpolating over the the gap. Typically these gaps are no more...