220 datasets found

Keywords: stellar atmospheres

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  • Dwarf stars limb-darkening coefficients

    Stellar models applied to large stellar surveys of the Milky Way need to be properly tested against a sample of stars with highly reliable fundamental stellar parameters. We...
  • (Al2O3)n, n=1-10, clusters data

    Aluminium oxide (alumina; Al_2_O_3_) is a promising candidate as a primary dust condensate in the atmospheres of oxygen-rich evolved stars. Therefore, alumina 'seed' particles...
  • Photoionization of the CH radical

    The primary motivation of this paper is to provide accurate data for the photoionization of the CH radical, including absolute total photoionization cross section, partial cross...
  • CARMENES time-resolved CaII H&K catalog

    Radial-velocity (RV) jitter caused by stellar magnetic activity is an important factor in state-of-the-art exoplanet discovery surveys such as CARMENES. Stellar rotation, along...
  • Limb-darkening coefficients for white dwarfs

    Systematic theoretical calculations of Doppler beaming factors are very scarce in the literature, mainly in the case of white dwarfs. Additionally, there are no specific...
  • Metal-poor stars limb-darkening coefficients

    Benchmark stars are crucial as validating standards for current as well as future large stellar surveys of the Milky Way. However, the number of suitable metal-poor benchmark...
  • Search for NLTE modeling for classical nova ejecta

    Extreme super-solar abundances of lithium and beryllium have been reported in recent years for classical novae based on absorption lines in ultraviolet and optical spectra...
  • Measured atmospheric parameters of NGC6397 stars

    Recent work has used spectra of ~5000 stars in NGC 6397 that were extracted from a MUSE mosaic to determine the atmospheric parameters for these stars by fitting the spectra...
  • Limb-darkening coefficients for compact stars

    The distribution of the specific intensity over the stellar disk is an essential tool for modeling the light curves in eclipsing binaries, planetary transits, and stellar...
  • Late-type stars FeI & FeII NLTE line formation

    Iron plays a crucial role in studies of late-type stars. In their atmospheres, neutral iron is the minority species and lines of FeI are subject to the departures from local...
  • IK Tau and HIP 20188 visible polarimetric imaging

    We present visible polarimetric imaging observations of the oxygen-rich AGB star IK Tau obtained with SPHERE-ZIMPOL (phase 0.27) as well as interferometric observations with...
  • Sunspot penumbra and umbral flashes models

    The solar chromosphere and the lower transition region are believed to play a crucial role in the heating of the solar corona. Models that describe the chromosphere (and the...
  • M-type AGB stars wind and dust models

    The stellar winds of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars are commonly attributed to radiation pressure on dust grains, formed in the wake of shock waves that arise in the...
  • Spectra of Earth-like planets around M-dwarfs

    The characterisation of the atmosphere of exoplanets is one of the main goals of exoplanet science in the coming decades. We investigate the detectability of atmospheric...
  • Power-2 limb-darkening law from STAGGER-grid

    Inaccurate limb-darkening models can be a significant source of error in the analysis of the light curves for transiting exoplanet and eclipsing binary star systems,...
  • HNCO in planetary atmospheres.

    Time-resolved Fourier transform infrared emission spectroscopy, Fourier transform absorption infrared spectroscopy, and high-resolution UV-ViS emission spectroscopy have been...
  • Spectral models for binary products

    Stars stripped of their hydrogen-rich envelope through interaction with a binary companion are generally not considered when accounting for ionizing radiation from stellar...
  • 3D non-LTE Balmer line formation

    Hydrogen Balmer lines are commonly used as spectroscopic effective temperature diagnostics of late-type stars. However, reliable inferences require accurate model spectra, and...
  • 3D correction in 5 photometric systems

    The atmospheres of cool stars are temporally and spatially inhomogeneous due to the effects of convection. The influence of this inhomogeneity, referred to as granulation, on...
  • STAGGER-grid of 3D stellar models. V.

    We have calculated spectra from 1000 to 200000{AA} with a constant resolving power of {lambda}/{Delta}{lambda}=20000 and from 8470 and 8710{AA} (Gaia Radial Velocity...
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