1,074 datasets found

Keywords: proper motions

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  • Extended Breakthrough Listen sample

    We extend the source sample recently observed by the Breakthrough Listen Initiative by including additional stars (with parallaxes measured by Gaia) that also reside within the...
  • The disintegrating old open cluster Czernik 3

    We have performed a detailed analysis of the Czernik 3 (Cz3) open cluster by using deep near-infrared photometry taken with TIRCAM2 on the 3.6m Devasthal optical telescope along...
  • The death throes of the Hyades with Gaia

    The precision of the Gaia data offers a unique opportunity to study the internal velocity field of star clusters. We develop and validate a forward-modelling method for the...
  • Chemo-dynamics of outer halo dwarf stars

    The low-metallicity, kinematically interesting dwarf stars studied by Stephens & Boesgaard (2002AJ....123.1647S, SB02) are re-examined using Gaia DR2 astrometry, and updated...
  • New Galactic open clusters

    We report the discovery of 25 new open clusters resulting from a search in dense low galactic latitude fields. We also provide, for the first time, structural and astrophysical...
  • N-rich stars orbital classification

    We have used the galaxy modelling algorithm GRAVPOT16, to explore the most probable orbital elements of a sample of 64 selected N-rich stars across the Milky Way. We use the...
  • Open cluster radii from Gaia proper motions

    In this work, we improve a previously published method to calculate in a reliable way the radius of an open cluster (OC). The method is based on the behaviour of stars in the...
  • Study of NGC 381, NGC 2360 and Berkeley 68

    We present UBVR_c_I_c_ photometric study of three intermediate age open star clusters NGC381, NGC2360, and Berkeley68 (Be68). We examine the cluster membership of stars using...
  • TICs 167692429 and 220397947 triple stars

    We report the discovery and complex analyses of the first two compact hierarchical triple star systems discovered with TESS in or near its southern continuous viewing zone...
  • Variable stars in the Sh 2-170 H II region

    We present multi-epoch deep (~20mag) Ic-band photometric monitoring of the Sh 2-170 star-forming region to understand the variability properties of pre-main-sequence (PMS)...
  • Faint Standards for UKIDSS and VISTA ZYJHK

    The currently defined 'United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) Faint Standards' have JHK magnitudes between 10 and 15, with K_median_=11.2. These stars will be too bright for...
  • Internal motions in OB-associations

    We study the motions inside 28 OB-associations with the use of Gaia DR2 proper motions. The average velocity dispersion calculated for 28 OB-associations including more than 20...
  • Disentangling cataclysmic variables in Gaia DR2

    Cataclysmic Variables (CVs) are interacting binaries consisting of at least three components that control their colour and magnitude. Using Gaia we here investigate the...
  • Clusterix 2.0

    Clusterix 2.0 is a web-based, Virtual Observatory compliant, interactive tool for the determination of membership probabilities in stellar clusters based on proper-motion data...
  • Study of the young open cluster NGC 1960

    We present a comprehensive photometric analysis of a young open cluster NGC 1960 (=M36) along with the long-term variability study of this cluster. Based on the kinematic data...
  • The Pristine survey. IX.

    A chemo-dynamical analysis of 115 metal-poor candidate stars selected from the narrow-band Pristine photometric survey is presented based on CFHT high-resolution ESPaDOnS...
  • TOI-222: a 34-d eclipsing binary

    We report the period, eccentricity, and mass determination for the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) single-transit event candidate TOI-222, which displayed a single...
  • NGC752 abundances from IR spectra

    We present a detailed near-infrared chemical abundance analysis of 10 red giant members of the Galactic open cluster NGC 752. High-resolution (R~45000) near-infrared spectral...
  • Pulsation and rotation in NGC 6811

    We have analysed a selected sample of 36 Kepler short-cadence stars in the field of NGC 6811. The results reveal that all the targets are variable: two red giant stars with...
  • Sagittarius II study with the Pristine survey

    We present an extensive study of the Sagittarius II (Sgr II) stellar system using MegaCam g and i photometry, narrow-band, metallicity-sensitive calcium H&K doublet...
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