100 datasets found

Keywords: population ii stars

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  • Carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars

    Carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars are known to have properties that reflect the nucleosynthesis of the first low- and intermediate- mass stars, because most have been...
  • Extremely metal-poor turnoff stars abundances

    The detailed chemical abundances of extremely metal-poor (EMP) stars are key guides to understanding the early chemical evolution of the Galaxy. Most existing data, however,...
  • Abundances of Population II stars in NGC 6397

    Evolutionary trends in the surface abundances of heavier elements have recently been identified in the globular cluster NGC 6397 ([Fe/H]=-2), indicating the operation of atomic...
  • Abundances of red giants in NGC 6388

    We present the LTE abundance analysis of high resolution spectra for red giant stars in the peculiar bulge globular cluster NGC 6388. Spectra of seven members were taken using...
  • Abundances of red giants in NGC 6441

    We present an analysis of FLAMES-Giraffe spectra for several bright giants in NGC 6441, to investigate the presence and extent of the Na-O anticorrelation in this anomalous...
  • Abundances of red giants in NGC 6218

    We used the multifiber spectrograph FLAMES on the ESO Very Large Telescope UT2 to derive atmospheric parameters, metallicities and abundances of O and Na for 79 red giant stars...
  • Abundances of red giants in NGC 6752

    We are studying the Na-O anticorrelation in several globular clusters of different Horizontal Branch (HB) morphology in order to derive a possible relation between (primordial)...
  • Lithium content of the Galactic Halo stars

    Thanks to the accurate determination of the baryon density of the universe by the recent cosmic microwave background experiments, updated predictions of the standard model of...
  • Chemical abundances in 43 metal-poor stars

    We have derived abundances of O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Ni and Ba for 43 metal-poor field stars in the solar neighbourhood, most of them subgiants or...
  • Equivalent widths of 10 metal-poor halo stars

    We presented the observed information of ten metal-poor halo stars with the metallicity range -2.3<[Fe/H]< -1.4 and derived their stellar parameters, acquired some...
  • JK photometry on 5 Galactic globular clusters

    The IR catalogs of the observed clusters are based on ground-based observations using the near-IR camera ARNICA@TNG equipped with a NICMOS-3 256x256 array detector. By using a...
  • Abundances in the early Galaxy

    In the framework of the ESO Large Programme "First Stars", very high-quality spectra of some 70 very metal-poor dwarfs and giants were obtained with the ESO VLT and UVES...
  • RGB stars in NGC 2808

    We present the results of the first observations, taken with FLAMES during Science Verification, of red giant branch (RGB) stars in the globular cluster NGC 2808. A total of 137...
  • Equivalent widths for metal-poor stars

    We present element-to-element abundance ratios measured from high dispersion spectra for 150 field subdwarfs and early subgiants with accurate Hipparcos parallaxes...
  • Metal-poor field stars abundances

    We have determined Li, C, N, O, Na, and Fe abundances, and ^12^C/^13^C isotopic ratios for a sample of 62 field metal-poor stars in the metallicity range -2<=[Fe/H]<=-1....
  • Chemical composition of halo and disk stars

    Table A1 lists the Stromgren photometry together with color excesses, E(b-y), photometric metallicities, [Fe/H] , calculated from the calibrations of Schuster & Nissen...
  • RR Lyrae Metallicities

    This catalog presents metal abundance, distance and radial velocity data on a sample of 302 ab-type RR Lyrae variables within about 2.5 kpc of the Sun. The metal abundance...
  • Spectroscopically Identified Hot Subdwarf Stars

    The catalog contains data for 1225 spectroscopically classified hot subdwarf stars. It excludes central stars of planetary nebulae but includes stars in binary systems. The data...
  • Radial Velocities of Bright Population II F Stars

    This catalog presents new radial velocity determinations, based on 2nm/mm Coude plates, for 146 southern stars brighter than m(v)=8.3. Drawn from the catalog of uvby-{beta}...
  • Distances to Local Group galaxies. II. Fornax dSph

    We determine three independent Population II distance moduli to the Fornax dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxy, using wide-field, ground-based VI imaging acquired with the...
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