633 datasets found

Keywords: h ii regions

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  • A 4-6GHz RRL survey in the Milky Way

    We performed a radio recombination line (RRL) survey to construct a high-mass star-forming region (HMSFR) sample in the Milky Way based on the all-sky Wide-Field Infrared Survey...
  • MUSTANG-2 Galactic Plane survey at 3mm (MGPS90)

    We report the results of a pilot program for a Green Bank Telescope MUSTANG-2 Galactic Plane survey at 3mm (90GHz), MGPS90. The survey achieves a typical 1{sigma} depth of...
  • 44 and 95GHz observations of class I methanol masers

    We report a simultaneous 44 and 95GHz class I methanol maser survey toward 144 sources from the 95GHz class I methanol maser catalog. The observations were made with the three...
  • 6.7GHz methanol masers & RRLs in MSX regions

    We report a systematic survey of a 6.7GHz Class II methanol maser toward a sample of 448 sources selected from the Red Midcourse Space Experiment Source catalog. These sample...
  • VLA observations of the Central Molecular Zone

    We present new observations of the C-band continuum emission and masers to assess high-mass (>8M_{sun}) star formation at early evolutionary phases in the inner 200pc of the...
  • The 3rd MSFRs Omnibus X-ray Catalog (MOXC3)

    We offer to the star formation community the third installment of the Massive Star-forming Regions (MSFRs) Omnibus X-ray Catalog (MOXC3), a compilation of X-ray point sources...
  • The 2nd MSFRs Omnibus X-ray Catalog (MOXC2)

    We present the second installment of the Massive Star-forming Regions (MSFRs) Omnibus X-ray Catalog (MOXC2), a compilation of X-ray point sources detected in Chandra/ACIS...
  • A GBT survey of large Galactic HII regions

    As part of our ongoing HII Region Discovery Survey (HRDS), we report the Green Bank Telescope detection of 148 new angularly large Galactic HII regions in radio recombination...
  • SFiNCs: X-ray, IR and membership catalogs

    The Star Formation in Nearby Clouds (SFiNCs) project is aimed at providing a detailed study of the young stellar populations and of star cluster formation in the nearby 22...
  • 6 & 1.3cm deep VLA obs. toward 58 high-mass SFRs

    We present a high-sensitivity radio continuum survey at 6 and 1.3cm using the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array toward a sample of 58 high-mass star-forming regions. Our sample...
  • Probable young stars in the MYStIX project

    The Massive Young star-forming complex Study in Infrared and X-rays (MYStIX) project requires samples of young stars that are likely members of 20 nearby Galactic massive...
  • The Red MSX Source Survey: massive protostars

    We present the Red MSX Source survey, the largest statistically selected catalog of young massive protostars and H II regions to date. We outline the construction of the catalog...
  • Effects of a {kappa}-distribution in HII regions

    Recently, Nicholls et al. (2012ApJ...752..148N), inspired by in situ observations of solar system astrophysical plasmas, suggested that the electrons in H II regions are...
  • The QUaD Galactic Plane Survey. II.

    We present a catalog of compact sources derived from the QUaD Galactic Plane Survey. The survey covers ~800deg^2^ of the inner galaxy (|b|<4{deg}) in Stokes I, Q, and U...
  • Carina OB stars in the CCCP catalog

    The Chandra Carina Complex contains 200 known O- and B-type stars. The Chandra survey detected 68 of the 70 O stars and 61 of 127 known B0-B3 stars. We have assembled a publicly...
  • The HII Region Discovery Survey (HRDS). II.

    The Green Bank Telescope (GBT) HII Region Discovery Survey has doubled the number of known HII regions in the Galactic zone 343{deg}<=l<=67{deg} with |b|<=1{deg}. We...
  • Spectroscopy and abundances of SINGS galaxies

    We present intermediate-resolution optical spectrophotometry of 65 galaxies obtained in support of the Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey (SINGS). For each galaxy we obtain...
  • WMAP five-year source catalog

    We present the list of point sources found in the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) five-year maps. The technique used in the first-year and three-year analyses now...
  • Star formation in nuclear rings

    We present results from a photometric H{alpha} survey of 22 nuclear rings, aiming to provide insight into their star formation properties, including age distribution, dynamical...
  • H2O masers in W49 North and Sagittarius B2

    Using the Very Large Array (VLA) of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in the A and B configurations, we have obtained simultaneous high-resolution observations of both...
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