Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei (7th Ed.)
This catalogue is an update of the the previous versions. It contains 8609 (+172) quasars (defined as brighter than absolute B magnitude -23), 2833 (+978) AGNs (defined as... -
Survey of 108 E-S0 galaxies
A survey has been performed of the morphological and photometric properties of 108 E-S0 galaxies out of a complete sample of 112: this sample is built from the Revised... -
High-Redshift Quasars (z>=2.2) in SGP and F401
(Paper I) We provide details of a multicolor ( u, b_j_, v, or, r, i), wide-field, faint magnitude survey for high-redshift (z >= 2.2 ) quasars. The survey extends over the... -
X-ray of active galaxies and nuclei
(no description available) Cone search capability for table VII/181/table2 (Catalog for PG Quasars) Cone search capability for table VII/181/table3 (Catalog for Seyfert 1 and... -
Optical Extragalactic Emission-line Objects
A catalog of 935 galaxies which have optical properties similar to those of QSOs is given. A subsidiary table of cross-identifications enables the reader to relate the name of a... -
Catalogue of Seyfert Galaxies
A list of 959 Seyfert galaxies whose data were obtained up to the beginning of 1987 is compiled. Coordinates, redshifts, UBVR-photoelectric magnitudes, absolute magnitudes,... -
First Byurakan Survey (FBS)
A Catalogue of galaxies with UV-continuum (Markarian galaxies) detected during the First Byurakan Survey (FBS) is presented. The purpose of the Survey was to search for peculiar... -
Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies
The Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies lists for each entry the following information: NGC number, IC number, or A number; A, B, or C designation; B1950.0 positions,... -
Revised and Updated Catalog of Quasi-stellar Objects
This is a catalog of all known quasi-stellar objects (QSO's) with measured emission redshifts and BL Lac objects, complete to 1992 December 31. The catalog contains 7312... -
The Extended 12um galaxy sample
The authors have used the IRAS data to compile a sample of 893 galaxies, including 118 Seyfert galaxies. Please refer to the "12micron.doc" (ascii) or "12micron.tex" (LaTeX)... -
Positions of high-redshift luminous quasars
We present finding charts and J2000 positions accurate to ~1" for the 528 high-redshift (z>1), luminous (M_v_<-25.5) quasars investigated in the Hubble Space Telescope... -
Quasar Candidates
This data set is based on data in three publications. The positions and magnitudes of quasar candidates discovered on Canada-France Hawaii-Telescope (CFHT) blue green plates are... -
Catalog of Galaxies Behind the Milky Way
This catalog, giving about 7000 galaxies behind the Milky Way between l = 210 degrees and 250 degrees, represents a systematic search for galaxies by means of 32 film copies of... -
Surface Photometry of ESO-Uppsala Galaxies
The 15467 southern galaxies in this catalog were scanned from 407 blue and 407 red original ESO-Schmidt plates using a PDS microdensitometer. The galaxies were selected from the... -
Catalogued Galaxies + QSOs observed in IRAS Survey, Vers.2
(no description available) Cone search capability for table VII/113/xcat (Point source data) -
Kitt Peak Quasar List
This catalog includes the complete source list with positions of the Kitt Peak Quasar Catalog (de Veny et al., 1971PASP...83..611D). Other fields in the de Veny catalog (4C ID,... -
MCG Vol.5
The Morphological Catalogue of Galaxies, Volume 5 (Vorontsov-Velyaminov et al. 1974) includes 1637 galaxies, probably no fainter than the fourteenth magnitude. The catalog was... -
PSCz catalog
The PSCz survey consists of redshifts, infra-red and optical photometry, and assorted other information for 18351 IRAS sources, mostly selected from the Point Source Catalog.... -
Revised Flat Galaxy Catalogue (RFGC)
The Flat Galaxy Catalog (FGC) is the result of a systematic search for disk-like edge-on galaxies with a diameter larger than a=40arcsec and major-to-minor axis ratio a/b>7... -
Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei (9th Ed.)
This catalogue is an update of the previous versions. It contains 13214 (+1856) quasars (defined as brighter than absolute B magnitude -23), 4428 (+1094) AGNs (defined as...