363 datasets found

Keywords: apparent magnitude

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  • H{alpha} and [NII] survey in local 11 Mpc

    As part of a broader effort to characterize the population of star-forming galaxies in the local universe, we have carried out an H{alpha}+[NII] imaging survey for an...
  • UV-Optical galaxy color-magnitude diagram I.

    We have analyzed the bivariate distribution of galaxies as a function of ultraviolet-optical colors and absolute magnitudes in the local universe. The sample consists of...
  • Population synthesis in the blue. IV

    We present a new set of model predictions for 16 Lick absorption line indices from H{delta} through Fe5335 and UBV colors for single stellar populations with ages ranging...
  • Virgo intracluster planetary nebula candidates

    Intracluster stars - stars outside of individual galaxies - are a sensitive measure of the poorly understood processes of galactic mergers, cluster accretion, and tidal...
  • The FIRST bright quasar survey. III.

    We present the results of an extension of the FIRST Bright Quasar Survey (FBQS) to the South Galactic cap, and to a fainter optical magnitude limit. Radio source counterparts...
  • Einstein X-ray survey of galaxies. I.

    We present the results of a complete Einstein imaging proportional counter X-ray survey of optically-selected galaxies from the Shapley-Ames Catalog (Cat. ), the Uppsala General...
  • MRC/1Jy Radio source survey. I.

    This is the first in a series of papers discussing the properties of a complete set of radio sources selected near S408=1Jy. We present optical or infrared identifications for a...
  • Collinder132-Gulliver21 stream members from Gaia DR3

    We use Gaia DR3 data to study the Collinder 132-Gulliver 21 region via the machine-learning algorithm StarGO and find eight subgroups of stars (ASCC 32, Collinder 132 gp 1-6,...
  • Gaia DR2 stars in the Sgr stream with STREAMFINDER

    We present the first full six-dimensional panoramic portrait of the Sagittarius stream, obtained by searching for wide stellar streams in the Gaia DR2 data set with the...
  • N-rich field stars from LAMOST and APOGEE data

    Interesting chemically peculiar field stars may reflect their stellar evolution history and their possible origin in a different environment from where they are found now; this...
  • Opt. follow-up of GW events with LCO

    We present an implementation of the Gehrels+ (2016ApJ...820..136G) galaxy-targeted strategy for gravitational-wave (GW) follow-up using the Las Cumbres Observatory global...
  • Galactic novae with m<=10 from 1900 to 2015

    Despite its fundamental importance, a reliable estimate of the Galactic nova rate has remained elusive. Here, the overall Galactic nova rate is estimated by extrapolating the...
  • The BOSS emission-line lens survey. III.

    We introduce the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) Emission-Line Lens Survey GALaxy-Ly{alpha} EmitteR sYstems (BELLS GALLERY) Survey, which is a Hubble Space...
  • AGNs rest-frame UV and optical parameters

    The ability to accurately derive black hole (BH) masses at progressively higher redshifts and over a wide range of continuum luminosities has become indispensable in the era of...
  • Performance of exoplanet search space missions

    We present an analytic model to estimate the capabilities of space missions dedicated to the search for biosignatures in the atmosphere of rocky planets located in the habitable...
  • SN IIn catalog with Fermi LAT

    Supernovae (SNe) exploding in a dense circumstellar medium (CSM) are hypothesized to accelerate cosmic rays in collisionless shocks and emit GeV {gamma}-rays and TeV neutrinos...
  • Iron abundance of Terzan 5 stars

    We present new determinations of the iron abundance for 220 stars belonging to the stellar system Terzan 5 in the Galactic bulge. The spectra have been acquired with FLAMES at...
  • WISE W1/W2 Tully-Fisher relation calibrator data

    In order to explore local large-scale structures and velocity fields, accurate galaxy distance measures are needed. We now extend the well-tested recipe for calibrating the...
  • Companions to nearby stars from Pan-STARRS 1

    We present the discovery of 57 wide (>5'') separation, low-mass (stellar and substellar) companions to stars in the solar neighborhood identified from Pan-STARRS 1 (PS1) data...
  • Detection of 715 Kepler planet candidates host stars

    The Robo-AO Kepler Planetary Candidate Survey is observing every Kepler planet candidate host star with laser adaptive optics imaging to search for blended nearby stars, which...
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