GEOCEAN-NC 2019 - Measuring sea level in Noumea Lagoon for Cal/Val studies
As part of the FOAM project, the GEOCEAN NC 2019 campaign was focused on the sea level question, with geodetic measurements using both bottom pressure sensors (deployment of 5... -
CNES/GRGS RL04 Earth gravity field models, from GRACE and SLR data
The CNES/GRGS RL04 Earth gravity models are a set of gravity field solutions based on GRACE and SLR data, provided at different time samplings: (A) CNES/GRGS RL04 time series... -
Rail Vehicle Positioning Data Set: Lucy, October 2018
Key facts <ul> <li><strong>Fields of application:</strong><br /> railway positioning, sensor fusion, sensor models</li>... -
RailDriVE February 2019 - Data Set for Rail Vehicle Positioning Experiments
Key facts <ul> <li><strong>Fields of application:</strong><br /> railway positioning, sensor fusion, sensor models</li>... -
Rail Vehicle Positioning Data Set: Lucy, March 2019
Key facts <ul> <li><strong>Fields of application:</strong><br /> railway positioning, sensor fusion, sensor models</li>... -
EWRICA - Docker container for Early-Warning and Rapid Impact Assessment with ...
The Early-Warning and Rapid Impact Assessment with real-time GNSS in the Mediterranean (EWRICA) is a federal Ministry of Education and Research funded project (funding period:... -
Piecewise trends and discontinuities in GNSS and SATTG time series
This dataset contains estimates of piecewise trends and discontinuities in vertical land motion (VLM) time series. The time series are based on two techniques, the Global... -
Estonian GNSS-leveling dataset with relevance to the implementation of the Ba...
The Baltic Sea Chart Datum 2000 (BSCD2000) is a geodetic reference system adopted for the Baltic Sea water level information and effective use of GNSS methods for accurate... -
GFZRNX - RINEX GNSS Data Conversion and Manipulation Toolbox (Version 1.05)
GFZRNX is a software toolbox for Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data provided in the REceiver Independent EXchange format (RINEX) of the major versions 2 and 3. The... -
Trajectory models for daily displacement time series in the five years preced...
This supplement contains GNSS displacement time series, fluid loading displacement time series predictions, and trajectory models for these time series. The time series are for... -
Black Forest Observatory Data
The Black Forest Observatory Data collection compiles digital data recorded at Black Forest Observatory (BFO) in Germany and provided through several international data centers.... -
Supplement to: Long-term soil moisture dynamics derived from GNSS interferome...
We provide data of a case study from the GNSS station Sutherland, South Africa (SUTM). This data set contains soil moisture derived from GNSS data using reflectometry. It covers... -
Multi-GNSS Ultra Rapid Orbit-, Clock- & EOP-Product Series
The German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) is providing ultra rapid multi-GNSS orbit-, clock- and EOP-product series (EOP = Earth Orientation Parameters). The Orbit/Clock... -
Survey mode GPS data in the West Pamir, Tajikistan, Central Asia, 2013-2016
We have installed 20 new Global Positioning System (GPS) markers in the West Pamir and the Tajik Depression and measured 25 markers once a year between 2013 and 2016 in survey... -
GFZ reprocessing product series for the IGS Tide Gauge Benchmark Monitoring
Long-term tide gauge records provide valuable insights to sea level variations, but interpretation requires an accurate determination of the associated vertical land motion....