Mimicking Pathogens : Floating Gram Negative Bacterial Membranes Containing t...
Recently we have been able to show two advances in the creation of realistic models of the Gram negative bacterial outer surface for use in biophysical and structural studies.... -
Small angle neutron scattering experiment of a novel pH and temperature sensi...
The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of different stimuli on a novel iron oxide core shell nanoparticles. The system is composed of a magnetite core with a... -
Antibody-polysorbate surface interactions
Of concern to the bioprocessing industry is the manner in which polysorbates included in solution formulations of antibodies affect the kinetics and equilibrium state of... -
Surface charge induced layering of ionic liquids on mica
The structure of ionic liquids at charged interfaces is an exciting and vibrant area of current research. Previous surface force apparatus experiments have shown layering up to... -
Laser-induced electron transfer in Trp-Tyr
We have recently performed a measurement of the dipeptide Tryptophanil-Tyrosine (Trp-Tyr) dissolved in deoxygenated water, illuminated by the 4th harmonic of the Nd-YAG laser... -
Interaction of polypeptide with surfactant: SANS study of solution aggregation
This proposal constitutes part of our ongoing study towards understanding the solution aggregation of collagen based polypeptides and their interactions with model surfactants.... -
Kinetics of amphotericin B interaction with model human and fungal cell membr...
The increasing incidence of pathogenic fungi resistant to treatment with amphotericin B (AmB) has created a demand for novel anti-fungal agents. The successful development of... -
Solution aggregation of lipopeptides: SANS structure determination
Lipopeptide surfactants are highly effective at reducing interfacial tension. However, there is a general lack of understanding of the relationship between their molecular... -
Polymer brush profiles using off-specular reflection from the walls of trenches
Nature frequently uses charged, weak-polyelectrolyte brushes at interfaces to control surface function and properties; surface wetting, lubrication, to limit deposition of... -
Surface adsorption of lipopeptides: interfacial layer structure
Lipopeptide surfactants are highly effective at reducing interfacial tension. However, there is a general lack of understanding of the relationship between their molecular... -
Chain Length and Surface Coverage of Surface Grafted Polypeptoids on Protein ...
Inhibition of non-specific protein adsorption to surfaces is critical for proper functioning of medical devices. Different approaches have been developed for producing surfaces... -
Multilayering of Isostearic Methyl Ester Sulphonate at the Air-Aqueous Interf...
Surfactants usually form a single layer of molecules at the surface of water. We have shown that under certain conditions more than one layer may form. in which case the system... -
Charged nanogels and their ability to penetrate model lipid membranes
Drug delivery through the skin is an important route for administration of therapeutic agents. However, the outermost layer of the skin, the stratum corneum provides a... -
Interfacial adsorption of keratin as characterised by neutron reflection
This proposal constitutes part of our ongoing study towards understanding the adsorption of keratins and their interactions with ionic surfactants at the solid/water interface.... -
Interaction of polypeptides with surfactants: aqueous solution aggregation
This proposal constitutes part of our ongoing study towards understanding how collagen based polypeptides interact with ionic surfactants using SANS. Both SDS and C12TAB will be... -
Head Group charging and anaesthetic Interaction with Model Bilayers
The mechanism of general anaesthetic action is poorly understood despite their widespread use. It is hoped that investigating the interaction of anaesthetics with lipid bilayers... -
Interfacial conformation of antibody and antigen binding capacity
Antibody-antigen binding has been extensively used in many technological applications such as immunoassays, chemical analysis and bionanotechnology. The crucial element... -
The Interaction of Small Cationic Amphiphillic Antimicrobial Proteins with Fr...
Protein-membranes interactions are fundamentally important to biological function. We have developed advanced models of the Gram negative bacterial outer membrane and have... -
Interaction of polypeptide with surfactant on the surface of water
This proposal constitutes part of our ongoing study towards understanding the adsorption of collagen based polypeptide and its interaction with ionic surfactants at the... -
Interaction of keratin with surfactants studied by neutron reflection
This proposal constitutes part of our ongoing study towards understanding how keratin, an important protein component of hair and skin, interacts with ionic surfactants using...