77 datasets found

Keywords: photographic photometry

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  • New variable stars in Sgr B

    621 new variable stars have been detected on plates obtained with the Schmidt telescopes of the Mount Palomar Observatory (1968) and of the European Southern Observatory...
  • Color-magnitude study of M 22

    A new photographic C-M diagram for the globular cluster M 22 based on automatic plate measurements has been obtained. It reaches the main sequence turn-off at V=~17.1mag,...
  • NGC 4833 BV photometry

    A color-magnitude diagram for the galactic globular cluster NGC 4833, based on the photographic BV photometry of about 868 stars in a 12'x12' field with an automatic measuring...
  • Flares in 5 open clusters

    Magnetic fields are a key component in the main sequence evolution of low mass stars. Flares, energetic eruptions on the surfaces of stars, are an unmistakable manifestation of...
  • Long-term photographic photometry of HK Lac

    Long-term photographic photometry of the active long-period RS CVn binary HK Lac (HD 209813) was obtained from more than 2000 Sonneberg Sky-Patrol plates taken between 1956 and...
  • M68 variable star light curves

    110 plates of the globular cluster M68, taken during 1951 to 1953 with the 24-inch reflector of the station of Lojano, have been the subject of a photometric investigation. Cone...
  • Variable stars in the M16-M17 field

    The original work was published as a paper book by the Perugia University in 1999. Before that, only the variable stars list (coordinates, classifications, periods, epochs,...
  • South Galactic cap MCT blue objects

    Results for the south Galactic cap region of the Montreal-Cambridge-Tololo survey of blue subluminous stars are presented. This region overlaps the 840 deg^2^ region studied...
  • Thick Disk Chemical Abundance Distribution

    We present a determination of the thick disk iron abundance distribution obtained from an in situ sample of F/G stars. These stars are faint, 15<=V=<18, selected on the...
  • Sydney observatory Galactic survey (SOGS)

    First Epoch astrometric and radiometric information of a survey in the optical along the Galactic fourth quadrant is archived for further analysis in the time-domain. A...
  • Magnitudes and spectral types in 5 galactic fields

    This catalog was initially compiled at the Abastumani Observatory, containing photographic BV magnitudes and spectral classes for about 6000 stars up to V(lim)=13.0mag in five...
  • Photographic Mags for Stars at High Galactic Lat

    This is a catalogue contains photographically determined UBVr magnitudes for more than 13000 stars at high galactic latitude. Eight pieces of information are given for each...
  • Standard magnitudes in the E regions

    A single table combines the revised and extended results of 24 series of photometric observations made in South Africa between 1947 and 1960 on the nine Harvard E regions at...
  • The LF Survey

    The LF program was initiated at the Warner and Swasey Observatory by S.W. McCuskey for studies of the variations of the stellar luminosity function (LF) in the Milky Way. The...
  • Brightest stars in a foreground field of M31

    Catalogue of 8778 stars in a foreground field based on a set of Tautenburg Schmidt plates in U, B, V and R taken by van den Bergh. The range of visual magnitudes of stars is...
  • FON Astrographic Catalogue Southern Part (FONAC-S)

    The catalog of positions and B-magnitudes of stars and galaxies of the southern sky (from -20{deg} to +2{deg}) was created as a part of the FON (Russian abbreviation...
  • FON Astrographic Catalogue, Version 3.0

    The catalog of equatorial coordinates {alpha} and {delta} and B-magnitudes of stars of the northern sky (from -4{deg} to +90{deg}) was created as a part of the FON project at...
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