Spoken Torlak dialect corpus 1.0 (transcription)
Torlak corpus represents a spoken variety of the endangered Torlak dialect from the Timok area in Southeast Serbia. It comprises transcripts of interviews with the local... -
Croatian linguistic training corpus hr500k 2.0
The hr500k training corpus contains about 500,000 tokens manually annotated on the levels of tokenisation, sentence segmentation, morphosyntactic tagging, lemmatisation and... -
Croatian Twitter training corpus ReLDI-NormTagNER-hr 3.0
ReLDI-NormTagNER-hr 3.0 is a manually annotated corpus of Croatian tweets. It is meant as a gold-standard training and testing dataset for tokenisation, sentence segmentation,... -
Reference corpus of historical Slovene goo300k 1.2
goo300k is a manually annotated reference corpus of historical Slovene. It contains 1,100 pages (about 300,000 tokens) sampled from 89 texts from the period 1584-1899. Each text...