Politbarometer Eastern Germany 2001 (Accumulated Dataset)
The Politbarometer has been conducted since 1977 on an almost monthly basis by the Forschungsgruppe Wahlen on behalf of the Second German Television (ZDF). Since 1990, this... -
Eurobarometer 56.1 (Sept-Oct 2001)
This round of Eurobarometer surveys is focused on the social exclusion and modernization of pension systems in European Union countries. Topics: Respondents were asked why... -
Eurobarometer 57.2 (Apr-Jun 2002)
This Eurobarometer is focusing on health issues, cross-border purchases, and national identities. Topics: European Union (EU) respondents provided information on their health... -
ALLBUScompact/GGSScompact 1980-86 (Kumulierte Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage...
ALLBUScompact is offered as an alternative to the structurally more complex full version of ALLBUS. It addresses the needs of newcomers to data analysis by providing a... -
ALLBUScompact/GGSScompact 1984 (Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwis...
ALLBUScompact is offered as an alternative to the structurally more complex full version of ALLBUS. It addresses the needs of newcomers to data analysis by providing a... -
ALLBUS/GGSS 2004 (Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften/Ger...
ALLBUS (GGSS - the German General Social Survey) is a biennial trend survey based on random samples of the German population. Established in 1980, its mission is to monitor... -
ALLBUScompact/GGSScompact 2004 (Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwiss...
ALLBUScompact is offered as an alternative to the structurally more complex full version of ALLBUS. It addresses the needs of newcomers to data analysis by providing a... -
German General Social Survey - ALLBUS 2004
ALLBUS (GGSS - the German General Social Survey) is a biennial trend survey based on random samples of the German population. Established in 1980, its mission is to monitor... -
German General Social Survey - ALLBUScompact 2004
ALLBUScompact is offered as an alternative to the structurally more complex full version of ALLBUS. It addresses the needs of newcomers to data analysis by providing a... -
Politbarometer West 2002 (Cumulated Dataset)
The Politbarometer has been conducted since 1977 on an almost monthly basis by the Forschungsgruppe Wahlen on behalf of the Second German Television (ZDF). Since 1990, this... -
Politbarometer East 2002 (Cumulated Dataset)
The Politbarometer has been conducted since 1977 on an almost monthly basis by the Forschungsgruppe Wahlen on behalf of the Second German Television (ZDF). Since 1990, this... -
After the Parliamentary Elections 2002: Is Germany taking off?
Beurteilung der wirtschaftlichen Situation des Landes. Einstellung zu marktwirtschaftlichen Fragen und dem Bankenwesen. Themen: Wichtigstes Problem in Deutschland; aktuelle... -
Bertelsmann Foundation Precaution Survey 2002 and 2003
Einkommen und Unterstützungszahlungen; Erwerbsbiografie; Betriebsrenten für Arbeiter und Angestellte der Privatwirtschaft mit einer Arbeitszeit von mindestens 15 Stunden pro... -
Perspective Germany 2002 (Release 2)
Einstellungen zu den Institutionen, Organisationen und Einrichtungen in Deutschland. Themen: 1. Allgemeiner Teil: Lebenszufriedenheit in Deutschland und am Wohnort (Skala);... -
Business Location Germany 2004
Beurteilung der wirtschaftlichen Situation des Landes und erwartete Konjunkturentwicklung. Einstellung zu marktwirtschaftlichen Fragen. Einstellung zur gemeinsamen europäischen... -
Candidate Countries Eurobarometer 2002.1 (Social Situation in the Countries ...
Attitudes towards European Union membership and life satisfaction. Family and children. Elderly people. Health. Social services. Standard of living. Social integration.... -
Politbarometer East 2004 (Cumulated Data Set, incl. Flash)
The Politbarometer has been conducted since 1977 on an almost monthly basis by the Forschungsgruppe Wahlen on behalf of the Second German Television (ZDF). Since 1990, this... -
Politbarometer West 2004 (Cumulated Data Set, incl. Flash)
The Politbarometer has been conducted since 1977 on an almost monthly basis by the Forschungsgruppe Wahlen on behalf of the Second German Television (ZDF). Since 1990, this... -
Acceptance of the Welfare State
Attitudes towards and acceptance of essential institutions of the German welfare state. Acceptance of welfare goals. Beurteilung und Akzeptanz wesentlicher Institutionen des... -
Candidate Countries Eurobarometer 2004.1
Attitudes towards European Union and European Parliament. The accession process. Health. Illegal and harmful content on the Internet. Topics: Current life satisfaction; life...