357 datasets found

Keywords: Social Work

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  • SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1973

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
  • SWIP - Dödsorsaker 1997-2001

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
  • SWIP - Patientregistret 1987-2002

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
  • SWIP - Bosättningsgrund och språk, utomnordiska invandrare 1960-1998

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
  • SWIP - Inkomstpanelen - SWIP - Insatser för barn och unga 1968-2000 - barn

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
  • SWIP - Inkomstpanelen - SWIP - Insatser för barn och unga 1968-2000 - insats

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
  • SWIP - Inkomstpanelen - SWIP - Insatser för barn och unga 1968-2000 - placering

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
  • SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1974

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
  • SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1975

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
  • SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1976

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
  • Inkomst och ojämlikhet i Sverige 1951-2002

    Data for income distribution and mean income for the adult population (aged 20 and over) in Sweden during the period 1951-2002. All results refer to individual income before...
  • En studie av samspelet mellan åldrande, hälsa, alkoholvanor, och personers ak...

    The study sought insight into the experiences and perspectives of older persons on ageing, alcohol use, treatment, and recovery from an alcohol problem, as well as their...
  • Inventering av Mothering and Fathering-aktivism för mer hållbara livsmiljöer

    This datafile contains information about movements at a global scale, that were identified as being composed mainly by mothers, fathers and others who have close connections...
  • Allmänhetens åsikter om socialbidrag 1985

    The questions about social assistance included opinions on how much money per month adults and children in different age groups needs, the level of assistance that should be...
  • SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1968

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
  • SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1977

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
  • SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1978

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
  • SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1979

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
  • SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1980

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
  • SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1981

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
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