Miocene palaeoclimate of the opencast mine Garzweiler (Germany)
Estimates are based on leaf floras -
Miocene/Pliocene palaeoclimate of the opencast mine Frechen (Germany)
Estimates are based on: row 1: seeds/fruits; row 2: leaves -
Miocene/Pliocene palaeoclimate of the opencast mine Fortuna-Garsdorf (Germany)
Estimates are based on seed and fruit floras -
Oligocene palaeoclimate of Enspel (Germany)
Estimates are based on: row 1: leaves; row 2: seeds/fruits -
Miocene palaeoclimate of the opencast mine Zukunft (Germany)
Estimates are based on seed and fruit floras -
Miocene/Pliocene palaeoclimate of the opencast mine Hambach (Germany)
Estimates are based on: row 1: seeds/fruits; row 2: leaves; row 3: seeds/fruits; row 4: seeds/fruits; row 5: leaves; row 6: leaves; row 7: seeds/fruits; row: 8 seeds/fruits; row... -
(Appendix) Oligocene to Pliocene palaeoclimate from Russia and Siberia based ...
Original collection numbers are based on: Nikitin V.P. (2006): Palaeocarpology and Stratigraphy of the Paleogene and the Neogene Strata in Asian Russia. Novosibirsk. -
(Table 2) Miocene palaeoclimatic estimates based on 35 fossil floras from Nor...
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Miocene palaeoclimate of Erdobenye Kovago-oldal (Hungary)
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Miocene palaeoclimate of Schrotzburg (Germany)
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Oligocene palaeoclimate of Monod-Rivaz (Switzerland)
This dataset has no description
Oligocene palaeoclimate of Kohleck (Austria)
Estimates are based on pollen flora -
Oligocene palaeoclimate of Sattledt (Austria)
Estimates are based on pollen flora -
Oligocene palaeoclimate of Puchkirchen (Austria)
Estimates are based on pollen flora -
Oligocene/Miocene palaeoclimate of Treubach (Austria)
Estimates are based on pollen flora -
Miocene palaeoclimate of Geretsberg (Austria)
Estimates are based on pollen flora -
Miocene palaeoclimate of Ottnang (Austria)
Estimates are based on pollen flora -
Late Miocene palaeoclimate of Lincang (China)
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