Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Newsletter 2 (July 2011)
Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Newsletter 2 (July 2011) -
Contamination, Conflation and "Fluid" Tradition in the Martyrion of Arethas a...
The Arabic Martyrion of Arethas and his companions in Naǧrān is attested in at least three different versions or redactions. -
Project: Catalogue of the Gironcourt Collection
By fall 2011, a “full-scale” catalogue of the de Gironcourt collection of West African manuscripts is Ms. University of Liège, General Library, no. 2241,... -
Manuscript culture of West Africa. Part 1: The disqualification of a heritage
West African Islamic manuscripts, meaning written in Arabic or in ‘ajamī and reflecting the perspective of a Muslim civilisation, problematise the very notion of... -
Project: Syriac Monastic Anthologies
Project presentation: Syriac Monastic Anthologies -
Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Newsletter 7 (January 2014)
Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Newsletter 7 (January 2014) -
The NOTAE Project: a Research between East and West, Late Antiquity and Early...
The project NOTAE: NOT A writtEn word but graphic symbols. An evidence-based reconstruction of another written world in pragmatic literacy from Late Antiquity to early medieval... -
Syriac Corpus Project
Project summary: Syriac Corpus Project -
Of Books & Men: Past Cultural Practices and Methods of Islamic Manuscripts Pr...
Demonstrating the evolution of concerns for book preservation is not an easy task. However, observing diverse materials and tracking historical evidence may enable us to draw... -
Project: MaGI. Manoscritti greci d'Italia
Project summary: MaGI. Manoscritti greci d’Italia -
Project: Forms and Functions of the Layout in Arabic Manuscripts
Project summary: Forms and Functions of the Layout in Arabic Manuscripts -
A Note of Comment on 'The production of Arabic multi-block Bibles'
It is very gratifying to find that my ideas have found an echo, and to see them well applied in a very useful and interesting article, such as that by Ronny Vollandt on... -
Project: Islamic Manuscript Database
Project summary: Islamic Manuscript Database -
Project: Greek Manuscripts in Sweden
A new cataloguing project for Greek manuscripts is going ahead at Uppsala University Library thanks to funding from The Central Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation. -
The Topos of Epiphanius in Western Thebes (Egypt): a New Chronology Based on ...
Within the framework of my Ph.D. research on the Episcopal Social Networks and Patronage in Late Antique Egypt, which focuses on the social involvement of Abraham of Hermonthis... -
Project: Orient-Digital. Database of Oriental Manuscripts at Berlin State Lib...
After a two year period of labour-intensive preliminaries, the Berlin State Library (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preußischer Kulturbesitz) launched the comprehensive and... -
A Study of the Early Ottoman Peloponnese in the Light of an Annotated editio ...
My doctoral thesis, completed at Royal Holloway, University of London in 2009 and conducted under the supervision of the late Professor Julian Chrysostomides (d.2008), explores... -
Project: Manuscript@CSIC: A new portal for Oriental manuscripts
Project summary: Manuscript@CSIC: A new portal for Oriental manuscripts -
Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Newsletter 4 (July 2012)
Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Newsletter 4 (July 2012) -
Orient-Digital database and Islamic book art
Book art, including calligraphy, illuminations, and illustrations, embellishes the great manuscripts of the Islamicate world and comprises one of the finest artistic traditions...