181 datasets found

Keywords: stellar evolutionary models

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  • Adiabatic mass loss in binary stars. II.

    In the limit of extremely rapid mass transfer, the response of a donor star in an interacting binary becomes asymptotically one of adiabatic expansion. We survey here adiabatic...
  • Evolution and nucleosynthesis of AGB stars

    We present stellar evolutionary tracks and nucleosynthetic predictions for a grid of stellar models of low- and intermediate-mass asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars at Z=0.001...
  • Star formation histories of LG dwarf galaxies

    We present uniformly measured star formation histories (SFHs) of 40 Local Group (LG) dwarf galaxies based on color-magnitude diagram (CMD) analysis from archival Hubble Space...
  • Solar s-process contributions with GCE model

    We study the s-process abundances (A>~90) at the epoch of the solar system formation. Asymptotic giant branch yields are computed with an updated neutron capture network and...
  • Simulations of the late stage of planet formation

    Models of planet formation have shown that giant planets have a large impact on the number, masses, and orbits of terrestrial planets that form. In addition, they play an...
  • X-ray binary evolution across cosmic time

    High-redshift galaxies permit the study of the formation and evolution of X-ray binary (XRB) populations on cosmological timescales, probing a wide range of metallicities and...
  • Stellar evolutionary models with 13-120Msun

    We present the first set of a new generation of models of massive stars with a solar composition extending between 13 and 120M_{sun}, computed with and without the effects of...
  • Evolutionary models of young gas-giant planets

    Gas-giant planets that form via core accretion might have very different characteristics from those that form via disk instability. Disk-instability objects are typically...
  • Binary compact object coalescence rates

    In this paper, we estimate binary compact object merger detection rates for LIGO, including the potentially significant contribution from binaries that are produced in...
  • Tidal evolution of transiting extrasolar planets

    We revisit the tidal stability of extrasolar systems harboring a transiting planet and demonstrate that, independently of any tidal model, none, but one (HAT-P-2b) of these...
  • Models of the AGN and black hole populations

    We construct evolutionary models of the populations of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and supermassive black holes, in which the black hole mass function grows at the rate...
  • Dynamical evolution of globular clusters

    We test the hypothesis that metal-poor globular clusters form within disk galaxies at redshifts z>3. We calculate the orbits of model clusters in the time-variable...
  • Star formation rate in Seyfert galaxies

    Feedback from black hole activity is widely believed to play a key role in regulating star formation and black hole growth. A long-standing issue is the relation between star...
  • Evolution of massive stars

    We present a detailed study of the evolution of massive stars of masses 15, 20, 25, and 30M_{Sun}_ assuming solar-like initial chemical composition. The stellar sequences were...
  • Explosive yields of massive star (Z=0-Z_{sun}_)

    We present a new and homogeneous set of explosive yields for masses 13, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35M_{sun}_ and metallicities Z=0, 10^-6^, 10^-4^, 10^-3^, 6x10^-3^, and 2x10^-2^. A...
  • Eq. of State in Magnetic Neutron Stars

    This catalog is based on the calculated equation of state in cold dense matter. Each table in the catalog lists bulk properties of Fe-56 in a magnetic field ranging from one...
  • Dark spots on Neptune from 25 years of HST images

    We scoured the full set of blue-wavelength Hubble Space Telescope images of Neptune, finding one additional dark spot in new Hubble data beyond those discovered in 1989, 1994,...
  • RVs & predicted transit-times for the K2-24 system

    While planets between the size of Uranus and Saturn are absent within the solar system, the star K2-24 hosts two such planets, K2-24b and c, with radii equal to 5.4 R_{Earth}...
  • Resonance sticking in the population of scattering TNOs

    A substantial fraction of our solar system's trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) are in mean-motion resonance with Neptune. Many of these objects were likely caught into resonances...
  • SFR of M31 from resolved stars in near-IR

    We discuss H and K observations of three fields in the bulge and disk of M31 obtained with the ALTAIR adaptive optics system and NIRI instrument on Gemini North. These are the...
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