1,825 datasets found

Keywords: solar system astronomy

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  • HAT-P-18b wavelength binned light curves

    We have performed ground-based transmission spectroscopy of the hot Jupiter HAT-P-18b using the ACAM instrument on the William Herschel Telescope (WHT). Differential...
  • Light curves of WASP-52

    We report 13 high-precision light curves of eight transits of the exoplanet WASP-52 b, obtained by using four medium-class telescopes, through different filters, and adopting...
  • Exoplanet candidates in Praesepe (M 44)

    In this work we keep pushing K2 data to a high photometric precision, close to that of the Kepler main mission, using a PSF-based, neighbour-subtraction technique, which also...
  • Robotic view of 67P perihelion

    Around the time of its perihelion passage, the observability of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from Earth was limited to very short windows each morning from any given site, due to...
  • Multi-band light curve of WASP-36

    We present broad-band photometry of five transits in the planetary system WASP-36, totaling 17 high-precision light curves. Four of the transits were simultaneously observed in...
  • WASP-22, WASP-41, WASP-42, WASP-55

    We present 13 high-precision and four additional light curves of four bright southern-hemisphere transiting planetary systems: WASP-22, WASP-41, WASP-42 and WASP-55. In the...
  • Frequency of snowline-region planets

    We present a statistical analysis of the first four seasons from a 'second-generation' microlensing survey for extrasolar planets, consisting of near-continuous time coverage of...
  • OGLE-III planet detection efficiency

    We use six years (2003-2008) of Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment-III microlensing observations to derive the survey detection efficiency for a range of planetary masses...
  • Chemical abundances of 257 giant stars

    We performed a uniform and detailed abundance analysis of 12 refractory elements for a sample of 257 G- and K-type evolved stars from the CORALIE planet search program. This...
  • Transiting planet WASP-6b

    We present updates to prism, a photometric transit-starspot model, and gemc, a hybrid optimization code combining MCMC and a genetic algorithm. We then present high-precision...
  • Precise CCD positions of Phoebe in 2011-2014

    346 new CCD observations during the years 2011-2014 have been reduced to derive the precise positions of Phoebe, the ninth satellite of Saturn. The observations were made by the...
  • Titius-Bode-based exoplanet predictions

    We analyse a sample of multiple-exoplanet systems which contain at least three transiting planets detected by the Kepler mission ('Kepler multiples'). We use a generalized...
  • HU Aqr planetary system mid-egress moments

    We study the mid-egress eclipse timing data gathered for the cataclysmic binary HU Aquarii during the years 1993-2014. The (O-C) residuals were previously attributed to a single...
  • Simulation data for 50 planetary model systems

    We describe the long-term evolution of compact systems of terrestrial planets, using a set of simulations that match the statistical properties of the observed exoplanet...
  • Transiting planet WASP-103

    We present 17 transit light curves of the ultrashort period planetary system WASP-103, a strong candidate for the detection of tidally-induced orbital decay. We use these to...
  • WASP-31b:HST/Spitzer transmission spectral survey

    We present Hubble Space Telescope optical and near-IR transmission spectra of the transiting hot-Jupiter WASP-31b. The spectrum covers 0.3-1.7 {mu}m at a resolution R~70, which...
  • Parent stars of extrasolar planets. XIV.

    We report the results of our analysis of new high-resolution spectra of 30 late-F to early-G dwarf field stars for the purpose of deriving their Li abundances. They were...
  • Fundamental properties of giant gas planets

    It is already stated in the previous studies that the radius of the giant planets is affected by stellar irradiation. The confirmed relation between radius and incident flux...
  • WASP-69b, WASP-70Ab and WASP-84b

    We report the discovery of the transiting exoplanets WASP-69b, WASP-70Ab and WASP-84b, each of which orbits a bright star (V~10). WASP-69b is a bloated Saturn-mass planet...
  • Transiting planets WASP-24, 25 and 26

    We present time-series photometric observations of thirteen transits in the planetary systems WASP-24, WASP-25 and WASP-26. All three systems have orbital obliquity...
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