18S-V4 metabarcoding of haptophytes in the Kuroshio region
The seawater samples were collected from surface (5m) depth at 46 sites from the upstream to downstream of the Kuroshio, and filtrated onto 47 mm, 0.2 µm Pall Supor membrane... -
Effects of organic pollutants on bacterial communities under future climate c...
Study of natural bacterioplankton communities under elevated concentration of terrestrial organic matter and in the presence of a mixture of organic pollutants. This study shows... -
DNA metabarcoding provides insights into the diverse diet of a dominant suspe...
Benthic suspension feeders have significant impacts on plankton communities by depleting plankton or modifying composition of the plankton through prey selectivity. Quantifying... -
HOT ALOHA metagenomic time and depth series
A time-resolved deep metagenomic survey of bacterioplankton from the ocean's surface to a depth of 1,000 m in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre at Station ALOHA, collected from... -
Microeukaryotic communities from Lianjiang coastal waters Metagenome
This study investigated the Integrated biogeography and assembly mechanisms of microeukaryotic communities from Lianjiang coastal waters near shellfish cultivation in four... -
Aggregation and Degradation of Dispersants and Oil by Microbial Exopolymers (...
Microbially produced exopolymeric substances (EPS) are believed to play a critical role in the weathering and degradation of oil in marine environments. However, the mechanisms... -
Marine Bacterial biofouling community on antifouling paint substrates
Investigaiton of Marine Bacterial biofouling community using 16S rDNA Metabarcoding -
The non-indigenous round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) as a new winter reserv...
Vibrio spp. are ubiquitous in aquatic environments. In temperate regions, including the Baltic Sea, these bacteria, which include facultative pathogenic species, proliferate... -
Metatranscriptome of bloom-forming diatoms in the subarctic western North Pac...
Large-scale diatom bloom occurs in the Oyashio region of the western subarctic Pacific every spring. The gene expression profiles was investigated at the surface (10 m depth)... -
Zooplankton microbiome of the Amazon River Plume and western trophic North At...
The goal of this study was to investigate if mesozooplankton grazers in the Amazon River plume-influenced western trophic North Atlantic directly grazed upon diazotrophic... -
The MESO-SCOPE (Microbial Ecology of the Surface Ocean - Simons Collaboration on Ocean Processes and Ecology) expedition collected oceanographic observations in the region north... -
Diatom viruses in coastal sees
The goal of the study was to detect and characterize novel marine viruses, particularly those infecting diatoms. -
Genetic and pigment shifts of Synechococcus populations along the Chilean edg...
To study the genetic structure of Synechococcus along the Chilean edge of the Humboldt Current System -
The plankton community of the southern Adriatic (Mediterranean Sea) is subject to strong environmental fluctuations and changes, which underlines the need for frequent, reliable... -
16S rRNA gene diversity in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas
This study was performed to elucidate prokaryotic community structure in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. -
Assembly Free Viral Genomes from Station ALOHA
We developed an assembly-free, single-molecule nanopore sequencing approach enabling direct recovery of high-quality viral genome sequences from environmental samples. Applied... -
Organic and inorganic nutrients modulate taxonomic diversity and trophic stra...
18S V4 metabarcoding of natural microbial community sampled in oligotrophic waters (Hydrostation, Bermuda) following a nutrient enrichment assay -
HABs in coastal upwelling systems: Insights from an exceptional red tide of t...
18S rRNA amplicon sequencing of four samples collected during an Alexandrium bloom in the northwestern Spain -
16S of copepods microbiome and ambient water
We used 454 high- throughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene to decipher the bacterial community composition associated with this zooplankton group and that inhabiting the... -
Bacterial diversity in two sea water Mesocosms conducted during HE425
Mesocosm experiments conducted during Heincke cruise HE425 in 2014. Sea water samples were taken at two stations in the North Sea to inoculate two mesocosms which were...