San José Urban Areas Survey by Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Educ...
The survey is part of a project on Ecosystem Services Accounting for Development (ESAfD) in six different countries: Beijing (China), San José (Costa Rica), Addis Ababa... -
Global-scale mining polygons (Version 1)
This data set provides spatially explicit estimates of the area directly used for surface mining on a global scale. It contains more than 21,000 polygons of activities related... -
Flux data from automated and manual chamber measurements at the Kaserstatt Al...
This dataset has no description
N2O, CH4 and CO2 fluxes from manual chamber measurements at the Kaserstatt Al...
This dataset has no description
N2O, CH4 and CO2 fluxes from automated chamber measurements at the Kaserstatt...
This dataset has no description
Abundances of stream benthic macroinvertebrates influenced by four typical la...
Stream benthic macroinvertebrates have been collected at 14 sites in South Tyrol, on three different sampling occasions (May, July, September), year 2017.Considering the entire... -
RMQS1 molecular microbial biomass
RMQS: The French Soil Quality Monitoring Network (RMQS) is a national program for the assessment and long-term monitoring of the quality of French soils. This network is based... -
Carte d'occupation du sol des corridors rivulaires du bassin versant de la Sa...
Cette carte a été produite dans le cadre de la convention 2010 -- 0190 de l'Agence de l'Eau Rhône Méditerranée et Corse concernant l'optimisation d'une méthode de quantification... -
Forest biomass for Madagascar
A biomass map for Madagascar obtained using the data fusion of LiDAR, optical and other climatic datasets (spatial resolution = 250 m x 250 m). The precision of the map by... -
Données de réplication pour : Biogeography of soil bacteria and archaea acros...
These data concern the study 'Biogeography of soil bacteria and archaea across France' Karimi B, Terrat S, Dequiedt S, Saby NPA, Horrigue W, Lelièvre M, Nowak V, Jolivet C,... -
Demo version of CLUE
A manual is provided as a help file, which is included in the setup file. The downloaded model contains data for Sibuyan Island, the Philippines (see Verburg et al., 2002). The... -
CLUMondo Model
This version is the most up to date version of CLUMondo. The download is a zip file containing the executable and the manual. The reference for this version is: Van Asselen, S.,... -
CLUE Source Code
Source code for Dyna-CLUE model. By downloading this version you agree to properly refer to the software in any publication (Verburg and Overmars, 2009. Landscape Ecology 24(9):... -
Dyna-CLUE Manual and CLUE Tutorial with Exercises
This document contains a tutorial with a number of exercises that help you to explore the Dyna-CLUE model. The exercises are based on the DEMO version CLUE that can be... -
CLUE Full Version
You can also download the unrestricted version of CLUE. By downloading this version you agree to properly refer to the software in any publication (Verburg and Overmars, 2009.... -
Map of livestock grazing in semi-natural areas in the European Union and Unit...
Livestock grazing throughout Europe has resulted in high diversity of semi-natural areas in past centuries. Currently, most low intensity grazing relying on semi-natural... -
Maps of opportunities for European Abandoned Farmlands
Underlying data of paper describing impact of alternative trajectories after farmland abandonment in Europe. Farmland abandonment is a major proximate driver of landscape change... -
GTAP-AEZ Land Supply Curves
The raster files show the spatial extent of areas estimated to be unavailable for agricultural expansion at the level of 18 Agro-Ecological Zones (AEZs) under a... -
The high-resolution topsoil plant-available phosphorus map of Estonia
The high-resolution (1:10,000) hybrid topsoil plant-available phosphorus map was produced by combining: (a) arable-land polygons with the median topsoil P value, (b) the machine... -
The impacts of devolution policy for mangrove forest management in the Mekong...
Mangrove forests are known to provide many ecological services and sources of livelihood to local community. The policy of contracting mangrove forest to households for...