Thermomagnetic measurements on sediment core GeoB1523-1 on magnetic extracts
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Thermomagnetic measurements on sediment core GeoB1523-1 on heavy liquid separ...
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Thermomagnetic measurements on sediment core GeoB1523-1 on dry bulk sediments
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Clay mineral analysis data for the OAE2 strata in the Omagari-zawa section
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Magnetic parameters of paleosol sequence (SK LPS) from the Suhia Kladenetz loess
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Plio-Pleistocene environmental magnetic data from ODP Site 967, Eastern Medit...
Here we present a bulk sediment isothermal remanence magnetism record (“IRM900@120mT”) from ODP site 967, measured using a 2-G Enterprises cryogenic magnetometer. The... -
Magnetizations IRM, ARM of sediment core CO14-GC-07
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(Table 1) Mineral composition and d-spacing of montmorillonite and montmorill...
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. d-spacing (Å) of Montmorillonite-illite mixed-layer represented by 10 Å peak with tailed reflections on the lower angle side. -
(Table 2) The viscous remanent magnetization acquired in a laboratory field o...
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(Table 3) Viscous remanent magnetization acquired over 1000 hr. in a field of...
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(Table 3) Mineral composition of ODP Site 161-975 sediments, Unit III
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(Table 2) Mineral composition of ODP Hole 161-975B sediments, Units I and II
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(Table 3) XRD intensities of carbonate minerals from ODP Hole 164-997A under ...
All intensities were originally given in counts/min which had been calibrated by standard quartz count. -
(Appendix A) Organic and carbonate carbon contents and mineral composition (p...
Sediment depth is given in corrected mbsf. -
(Table T5) XRD mineralogy of hemipelagic mud and turbidite matrix from ODP Le...
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(Table 1) Magnetic susceptibility and laboratory-imparted magnetization at OD...
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Magnetic parameters for sediment core 370540-6
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(Table 1) Mineral composition of ODP Leg 127 sites
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(Table 2) Mineralogy, carbon, and sulphur analyses of ODP Hole 127-797B sedim...
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Fine fraction (<63 µm) x-ray diffraction analyses (peak area) of surface sedi...
The peak area of each carbonate mineral was analysed with the MacDiff 4.2.5. software (Petschick 2001 and Petschick et al., 1996) /...