Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of Tilapia Natural Diets Using Genomi...
This study was designed to analyze the bacterial composition of the Oreochromis niloticus and the impact of its surrounding water. Nile tilapia fish samples were obtained from... -
Raw sequence reads from the light organs of Siphamia fishes
Raw sequence reads from the light organs of Siphamia fishes containing symbiotic bioluminescent bacteria -
Fish microbiota 101: host traits, ecology, and environmental factors influenc...
Fish are the most diverse and widely distributed vertebrates, yet little is known about the microbial ecology of fishes nor the biological and environmental factors that... -
fish skin mucosal microbiota Raw sequence reads
fish skin mucosal microbiota Raw sequence reads -
Effects of two common antibiotics on the skin microbiome of ornamental reef f...
An understanding of the mechanistic drivers of microbial communities requires the incorporation of manipulative experiments, including manipulation of the existing microbes. As... -
Atlantic salmon recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) hatchery bacterial tra...
The data from this project was used to determine what bacteria are prevalent in different Atlantic salmon RAS hatchery systems in Tasmania and which taxa successively transfer... -
COI gene sequence from intestinal content of Mediterranean Diplodus vulgaris
COI gene sequencing data from the intestinal content of 28 Diplodu vulgaris specimens from Corsica. The COI gene was amplified using the primers mlCOIintF and jgHCO2198 to avoid... -
Patterns of microbiome transition along salinity gradients, and importance fo...
We are interested in whether the host fish microbiome is important for host adaptation to alternate osmotic niches. Toward this goal, we seek to describe the patterns of... -
The goal of this project is to study the relationships among bacteria and telostean fish hosts -
Characterization of the gut microbiota of the notothenioid fish Harpagifer sp.
Characterization of the microbiota from the gut tissue and the gut content of the notothenioid fish genus Harpagifer sp. -
Topographical mapping the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) microbiome
This study gives a complete map of the bacterial mucosal microbiome of hatchery rainbow trout at five different body sites. We find bacteria with antifungal properties, which... -
Mediterranean scorpionfish gut (mucosa) microbiota
Characterization of the autochthonous gut microbial communities associated with three species of Mediterranean Scorpionfishes (Scorpaena notata, Scorpaena porcus and Scorpaena... -
Comparative study on the gut microbiota of farmed and wild yellow-spotted bas...
Comparative study on the gut microbiota of farmed and wild yellow-spotted baskefish (Siganus oramin) -
Effect of common aquaculture practices on the external microbiome of common s...
This study investigated the effects of copper sulfate treatment and captive rearing of adult common broodstock on the external microbiome of the fish. Captively-held fish were... -
Puffer fishes gut bacteria sequence read archive
The gut bacteria 16S rRNA sequence of different puffer fish are measured to study their connection with tetrodotoxin biosynthesis -
Thamnaconus septentrionalis Genome sequencing and assembly
Thamnaconus septentrionalis complete genome -
Characterization of Anglerfish Microbiome 16S rRNA
As part of the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative funded DEEPEND project (Deependconsortium.org), the objective of this study is to characterize the microbiome of deep-sea... -
Atlantic salmon recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) hatchery bacterial tra...
The data from this project was used to determine what bacteria are prevalent in different Atlantic salmon RAS hatchery systems in Tasmania and which taxa successively transfer... -
The effect of captivity on the microbiome of spotted eagle rays (Aetobatus na...
Comparison of the microbiome from different body sites of captive and wild spotted eagle rays, and captive cow-nose rays. The samples include swabs collected from the cloaca,... -
Samples were collected to be 16s rRNA sequenced and examine microbial community composition found on the teeth of these species. The goal was to determine if microbiomes are...