94 datasets found

Keywords: b stars

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  • The classification of Kepler B-star variables

    The light curves of 252 B-star candidates in the Kepler database are analyzed in a similar fashion to that done by Balona et al. (2011MNRAS.413.2403B) to further characterize...
  • vsini of B0-B3 stars in 7 young clusters

    We present the results of a study aimed at assessing the differences in the distribution of rotation speeds N(vsini) among young (1-15Myr) B stars spanning a range of masses...
  • B-star rotational velocities in h and {chi} Persei

    Projected rotational velocities (vsini) have been measured for 216 B0-B9 stars in the rich, dense h and {chi} Persei double cluster and compared with the distribution of...
  • Late B-type stars classification

    In the fourth and final of a series of papers on the late B to the early F type stars, we refine the MK spectral classification system for the late B type stars and consider the...
  • uvby-beta observations of 528 B stars

    (no description available)
  • AS 78 & MWC 657 spectroscopy

    We present the results of low- and high-resolution spectroscopic and multicolour photometric observations of two early-type emission-line stars, AS 78 and MWC 657. They were...
  • Teff for B, A and F main sequence stars

    A method of determination of the effective temperature of B, A and F main sequence stars is proposed, using the slope of the continuum between 3200A and 3600A. We have...
  • Multiples among B-stars in Sco-Cen

    The frequency, semi-major axis, and mass distribution of stellar companions likely depend on the mass of the primaries and on the environment where the stars form. These...
  • Gaia DR3 data of 15062 gravity-mode pulsators

    Gravito-inertial asteroseismology saw its birth thanks to high-precision CoRoT and Kepler space photometric light curves. So far, it gave rise to the internal rotation frequency...
  • 4142 Sgr radial velocity curves

    A detailed study of the close interacting binary V4142 Sgr, based on photometric and spectroscopic analyses, indicates that this system belongs to the enigmatic class of...
  • FEROS spectroscopy of B-type stars

    Spectroscopic data are necessary to break degeneracies in asteroseismic modelling of the interior structure in high- and intermediate-mass stars. With the TESS mission, the...
  • Magnetic fields in 292 M dwarfs.

    Stellar dynamos generate magnetic fields that are of fundamental importance to the variability and evolution of Sun-like and low-mass stars, and for the development of their...
  • RVs of B stars in NGC 6231

    It is well known that massive O stars are frequently (if not always) found in binary or higher-order multiple systems, but this fact has been less robustly investigated for the...
  • SDSS J160429.12+100002.2 spectra

    In the past, SDSS J160429.12+100002.2 was spectroscopically classified as a blue horizontal branch (BHB) star. Assuming a luminosity that is characteristic of BHB stars, the...
  • Hubble spectroscopy of LB-1 (LS V +22 25)

    LB-1 has variously been proposed as either an X-ray dim B-type star plus black hole (B+BH) binary, or a Be star plus an inflated stripped star (Be+Bstr) binary. The Space...
  • BEAST sample properties

    While the occurrence rate of wide giant planets appears to increase with stellar mass at least up through the A-type regime, B-type stars have so far not been systematically...
  • 4 p-mode pulsators arrival times

    We investigate variations in the arrival time of coherent stellar pulsations due to the light travel time effect to test for the presence of sub-stellar companions. Those...
  • Light curves of NGC 6910 pulsating stars

    The aim of this study is to obtain the age of the open cluster NGC 6910 by means of ensemble asteroseismology of the early-type pulsating members, to derive their stellar...
  • B stars in 4 open clusters

    Stellar physical properties of star clusters are poorly known and the cluster parameters are often very uncertain. Our goals are to perform a spectrophotometric study of the B...
  • VLTS. B-type main-sequence binary systems

    A spectroscopic analysis has been undertaken for the B-type multiple systems (excluding those with supergiant primaries) in the VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey (VFTS). Projected...
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