(Table 4) Major and trace element analyses of basalts and gabbro at DSDP Hole...
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(Table 2) Geochemistry for clasts extracted from DSDP Site 89-585 debris flows
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(Table 5) Analyses of whole rock samples from ODP Hole 134-831B lavas
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(Table 4) Geochemistry of basement basaltic rocks from ODP Hole 131-808C
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(Table 2) Major and trace element concentrations and element ratios of mafic-...
Number of cations was calculated on the bases of 23 oxigens. -
(Table 1) Whole rock geochemistry of ODP Leg 127 sites
XRF shipborad measuerment. -
(Appendix C) Recalculated chemical composition of Miocene volcaniclastites fr...
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Recalculated on a volatile-free basis. -
(Appendix B) Recalculated chemical composition of Cretaceous volcaniclastites...
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Recalculated on a volatile-free basis. -
(Appendix A) Recalculated chemical composition of Cretaceous volcaniclastites...
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Recalculated on a volatile-free basis. -
(Table 2) Major and trace element concentrations for mafic clasts from ODP Ho...
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(Table 3) The trace-element chemistry of the basaltic rock units from ODP Sit...
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(Table 7) Element contents and ratios of lithic clasts from ODP Hole 124-769C
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(Table 4) Trace-element chemistry of the basaltic rocks from ODP Hole 124-768C
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(Table 4) Major and trace element concentrations of basement samples from ODP...
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(Table 28) Chemical composition of dolerites from the Peyve Seamount
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(Table 27) Chemical composition of rocks from the moderate-titanium intrusive...
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(Table 23) Chemical composition of rocks from the ferrodiorite-granodiorite s...
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(Table 20) Chemical composition of rocks from the ultratitanic intrusive seri...
Clinopyroxenes of the sample 6-53-D48/46 include subcalcic diopsides and augites. -
(Table 1) Major, trace and rare earth element concentrations of dredged sedim...
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(Table 7) Basement geochemistry of ODP Hole 126-792E
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