Growth rates of various ciliates determined experimentally
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of Strombidium sulcatum determined experime...
Carbon per cell of grazer calculated using the following equation of Menden-Deuer and Lessard (2000): picogram carbon per cell = 0.216biovolume*0.939. -
Feeding, growth and grazing rates of thecate heterotrophic Dinoflagellates de...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of the dinoflagellate Genus Protoperidinium...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of hetrotrophic Dinoflagellates from the co...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of the hetrotrophic Dinoflagellate Luciella...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of the heterotrophic Dinoflagellate Pfieste...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of the hetrotrophic Stoeckeria algicida det...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of the mixotrophic Gonyaulax polygramma det...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of phototrophic red-tide Dinoflagellates de...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of red-tide Dinoflagellates feeding on the ...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of Dinoflagellate Protoperidinium bipes det...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of Dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina determine...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of Oxyrrhis marina determined experimentally
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of Pfiesteria piscicida and Cryptoperidinio...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of Protoperidinium pellucidumi determined e...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of Noctiluca scintillans and Oxyrrhis marin...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of planktonic ciliates determined experimen...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of tintinnids determined experimentally
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Feeding rates of Ciliates on Heterocapsa triquetra determined experimentally
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