83 datasets found

Keywords: Specifika sociala tjänster användning och tillgänglighet

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  • SOM-undersökningen Kommun-SOM 1996: Angered

    Every year since 1986, the SOM Institute carries out a nationwide survey, National SOM (Riks-SOM), in which people are asked questions about politics, society, their use of...
  • SOM-undersökningen Kommun-SOM 1996: Centrum

    Every year since 1986, the SOM Institute carries out a nationwide survey, National SOM (Riks-SOM), in which people are asked questions about politics, society, their use of...
  • SOM-undersökningen Kommun-SOM 1996: Majorna

    Every year since 1986, the SOM Institute carries out a nationwide survey, National SOM (Riks-SOM), in which people are asked questions about politics, society, their use of...
  • SOM-undersökningen Kommun-SOM 1996: Mölndal

    Every year since 1986, the SOM Institute carries out a nationwide survey, National SOM (Riks-SOM), in which people are asked questions about politics, society, their use of...
  • Anhörigvård 1993

    In Sweden the municipalities have the responsibility to provide the elderly, ill and disabled with the assistance they need to make home living possible. Still, most caring take...
  • Välfärdsstatsundersökningen 2002

    This survey, inquiring the attitudes of the Swedish population towards the public sector and the taxes, is a follow-up of three earlier surveys conducted in 1986, 1992 and 1997....
  • Välfärdsstatsundersökningen 1997

    This survey, inquiring the Swedish people's attitudes towards the public sector and the taxes, is a follow-up of two earlier surveys conducted in 1986 and 1992. A number of...
  • Medborgarundersökningen 1997

    In conformity with the 1987 survey, the 1997 survey was arranged as a mapping of the citizen's activities and possibilities to influence within the 'small democracy' as well as...
  • Åldrande och ålderdom 1995

    An Uppsala university survey regarding perceptions of age and ageing. Enkätundersökning från Uppsala universitet där svenskar i åldrarna 20-85 år besvarar frågor som relateras...
  • SOM-undersökningen i Skåne 2001

    The SOM survey in Skåne has been conducted since 2001. The purpose of the regional surveys is to enable SOM researchers to study attitudes and behaviour linked to local and...
  • SOM-undersökningen i Skåne 2004

    This is the second SOM survey carried out in the Skåne region. Unlike Southern SOM 2001 - geographically limited to ten municipalities in the south western part of Skåne - the...
  • SOM-undersökningen i Skåne 2006

    This is the third SOM survey carried out in the Skåne region. Like Southern SOM 2004, the 2006 survey was carried out in the whole Skåne region. The questionnaire consists of...
  • SOM-undersökningen i Skåne 2008

    This is the fourth SOM-survey conducted in the region of Skåne. The questionnaire was divided into seven subject fields: news and newspapers; politics, society and democracy;...
  • Välfärdsstatsundersökningen 2010

    This is the fifth welfare state survey. Purpose: Study the dynamics of welfare attitudes Denna undersökning är den femte i serien Välfärdsstatsundersökningar. De fyra tidigare...
  • SOM-undersökningen i Skåne 2011

    This is the fifth SOM-survey conducted in the region of Skåne. The questionnaire was divided into seven subject fields: news and media; politics, society and democracy; society...
  • Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2012

    In order to identify how the evolution of society affects Swedes’ attitudes and behaviour, the SOM Institute started its National SOM study in 1986. National SOM addresses three...
  • SOM-undersökningen i Skåne 2015

    This is the sixth SOM survey conducted in the region of Skåne. The questionnaire was divided into ten subject fields: Local news; Politics and democracy; To live in Skåne;...
  • Svensk kontextdatabas för den svenska Generations and Gender Survey och den i...

    The Swedish Contextual Database provides a large number of longitudinal and regional macro-level indicators primarily assembled to facilitate research on the effects of...
  • Född i Stockholm på femtiotalet

    The Stockholm Birth Cohort Study (SBC) was created in 2004/2005 by a probability matching of two anonymized longitudinal datasets; The Stockholm Metropolitan study and The...
  • Texter från Arbetsförmedlingen

    Parallel texts downloaded from the websites of the Swedish Public Employment Agency. Parallella texter nedladdade från Arbetsförmedlingens webbplats. Multilingual parallel...
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