Physical oceanography during Professor Kolesnikov cruise PK29
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Physical oceanography during Professor Kolesnikov cruise PK28
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Physical oceanography during Professor Kolesnikov cruise PK27
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Physical oceanography during Professor Kolesnikov cruise PK21
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Physical oceanography during Professor Kolesnikov cruise PK20
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Hydrochemistry measured on water bottle samples during Professor Kolesnikov c...
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Physical oceanography during Professor Kolesnikov cruise PK19
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Physical oceanography during Professor Kolesnikov cruise PK18
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Physical oceanography during Professor Kolesnikov cruise PK17
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Physical oceanography during Professor Kolesnikov cruise PK14
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Physical oceanography during Professor Kolesnikov cruise PK12
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Physical oceanography during Professor Kolesnikov cruise PK11
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Physical oceanography during Professor Kolesnikov cruise PK7
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Physical oceanography during Professor Kolesnikov cruise PK5
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Phytoplankton data collected in the Black Sea during the 33rd cruise of the R...
Phytoplankton data collected in the Black Sea during 33 cruise of the R/V "Professor Kolesnikov" and processed by Lyudmila Georgieva -
(Table 45) Concentrations of phosphates, phosphorus, suspended matter, and pa...
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(Tible 2) Total phytoplankton biomass and contribution of dominating taxonomi...
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(Table 1) Principal characteristics of the spectra of light absorption by phy...
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Mesozooplankton during Professor Kolesnikov cruise PK17
Standard Judey net -
Chlorophyll a and phaeopigments in surface water during Professor Kolesnikov ...
Chlorophyll a and phaeopigments where measured fluorometrically by use of laboratory fluorometer constracted on the base of spectrophotometer Specol, fitted with a red sensitive...