French LMF Apertium Dictionary
This is the LMF version of the Apertium French dictionary. Monolingual dictionary for French was generated from the Apertium expanded lexicon of the fr-es pair system... -
Basque LMF Apertium Dictionary
This is the LMF version of the Basque Apertium dictionary. Monolingual dictionaries for Spanish, Catalan, Gallego and Euskera have been generated from the Apertium expanded... -
Spanish LMF Parole Lexicon
- This is the LMF version of the Spanish Parole lexicon. The original PAROLE lexica (20,000 entries per language) were built conform to a model based on EAGLES guidelines and... -
TRL Spanish V-SUBCAT lexicon: LMF Format
Gold-standard for Spanish verbal subcategorization frames. The gold-standard was built merging two manually developed dictionaries: the Spanish working lexicon of the Incyta... -
Galician LMF Apertium Dictionary
This is the LMF version of the Galician Apertium dictionary. Monolingual dictionaries for Spanish, Catalan, Galician and Euskera have been generated from the Apertium expanded... -
Spanish LMF Parole/Simple Lexicon
This is the LMF version of the Spanish Parole-Simple lexicon. The original PAROLE lexica (20,000 entries per language) were built conform to a model based on EAGLES guidelines... -
LMF version of the SenSem Spanish Data Base
This is the LMF version of the SenSem database created by the Spanish Inter-University Research Group GRIAL. As part of SenSem project, a corpus of sentences annotated at the...