Annual mean-sea-level atmospheric pressure from 1841 to 2018 at Trieste, Italy
This dataset has no description
Hourly weather data from 2001 to 2010 and from 2013 to 2019 recorded in a Fre...
This dataset contains daily weather data from 2001 to 2010 and from 2013 to 2019 recorded in a French orchard in the Hauts d'Anjou (Loire Valley), and more precisely on the "La... -
WRF-CTSM model output for "Evaluation of hydroclimatic variables over Nordic ...
Model output from the Weather Research and Forecasting model, WRF and the Community Terrestrial Systems Model, CTSM (corresponds to the Community Land Model Version 5, CLM5)... -
Temporal and spatial high-resolution climate data from regional and global cl...
Abstract: Gridded climate time series for Germany derived through downscaling of EURO-CORDEX historical simulations and climate projections from following ensemble members... -
Future projections of atmospheric icing in Norway
WRF model simulation data used in the publication by Iversen et al. (2023, doi: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2023.103836). Please see the publication, and the README contained within... -
Meteorological data from the Subtropical forest Changting County, Southeast C...
This dataset has no description
ERA5 cyclone tracks
Cyclone positions and tracks derived from the ERA5 dataset. The detection and tracking is following the Melbourne detection and tracking algorithm of Murray and Simmonds... -
SmartAQnet 2020 Dataset
This is the dataset collected by the SmartAQnet project. The dataset was collected in the model region of Augsburg, Germany between 2017 and 2020 and contains 248,572,003... -
Model output for "Reduced effective radiative forcing from cloud-aerosol inte...
This dataset contains the model output (atmospheric component only) used in Blichner, S. M., Sporre, M. K., and Berntsen, T. K.: Reduced effective radiative forcing from... -
Full dataset for "Implementing a sectional scheme for early aerosol growth fr...
Full dataset for "Implementing a sectional scheme for early aerosol growth from new particle formation in the Norwegian Earth System Model v2: comparison to observations and... -
ERA5 jet axes 1979-2022
Jet axes on the PV2 surface detected in the ERA5 reanalysis. Jet axes separate cyclonic from anticyclonic wind shear and trace lines of maximum winds. -
ERA5 jet cross sections
Cross sections through through jet axes detected in the ERA5 reanalyses. The cross sections are based on 100.000 randomly selected points along all available jet axes for each... -
Comparison of the tropical tropopause in ECMWF reanalyses and GPS-RO satellit...
All scripts and figures used in master thesis submitted by Johanne Mehren 2020-06-25. -
Extreme sub-daily precipitation in the Nordic-Baltic region
This dataset contains shapefiles with gridded extreme sub-daily rainfall data for the Nordic-Baltic region, and the average day of year when the extreme events occur. More... -
VR-CESM 30x8 Europe 2006-07 to 2010-12
Variable Resolution CESM (version 2.2.beta3) outputs (history files, NetCDF format). This dataset corresponds to the months 2006-07 to 2010-12 of simulation using a Spectral... -
piClim-p4k: +4K pre-industrial fixed SST simulation for NorESM2-MM
Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP) experiments in which the atmosphere and land components were active while values for SSTs and sea ice were prescribed. The... -
Cyclones, jets and wave breaking in ERA-interim
The dataset contains detected cyclones, jet axes and Rossby wave breaking events in the ERA-interim dataset, each on a 0.5deg by 0.5deg grid. The detections are based on... -
Oxidant impact on indirect effects - Model output from the three simulations ...
Mean values for the last three years of the three model simulations with the original model default setup applied in Karset et al. (2018) "Strong impacts on aerosol indirect... -
FTI solar geoengineering simulation (SAI) with NorESM1-ME
Data of the Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) simulation with full atm, lnd and cpl outputs from the FTI solar geoengineering project. The coupler history data was used to... -
Size-dependent evaporation and entrainment - Output from main simulations wit...
netCDF files with output from the 8 main simulations in the study