Die Quellen von August Dillmanns Lexicon linguae Aethiopicae: Anmerkungen zu ...
Dillmann’s Lexicon linguae Aethiopicae has timeless value in various ways, nevertheless it needs a kind of user’s manual. Even apparently obvious references require... -
Data from the BUSDE Project -
Subcorpus 'Iberian Portuguese' (one child) from the BIPODE project. Video recordings of one German/Portuguese simultaneous bilingual child, starting at approx. 1 year... -
Data from the SkandSemiko project. -
Video recordings and transcriptions of three German/Portuguese simultaneous bilingual children, starting at approx. 1 year and 6 months. One or two recordings each month until... -
Data from the SkandSemiko project. -
Additional data from the PAIDUS project. -
TITUS: Manuscript-Related Data in the TITUS Project
The TITUS project (“Thesaurus Indo-germanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien”) was founded in 1987 with the aim of co-ordinating the efforts to establish databases of... -
Hamburg Adult Bilingual LAnguage (HABLA)
Original Data: Audio recordings (semi-spontaneous interviews) with German/Italian and German/French bilingual speakers aged approx. 15-55 years at the recording sessions. The... -
Subcorpus of the ENDFAS/SKOBI Korpus. -
Multi-level Digital Annotation of Ethiopic Texts
The GeTa tool has been developed at Hamburg to address the challenge of tokenization and multi-level annotation of Ethiopic texts, with the aim of further computer-assisted... -
Additional data from the DUFDE project. -
Data from the CHILD-L2 project. -
PhonBLA Querschnittsstudie Madrid Recordings
Additionals data from the PhonBLA Querschnittsstudie Madrid project. -
Hamburg Corpus of Argentinean Spanish (HaCASpa) Subcorpus
Subcorpus from the HaCASpa project with material used for the Atlas interactivo de la entonación del español. -
Subcorpus 'Brazilian Portuguese' (two children) from the BIPODE project. Video recordings and transcriptions of two German/Portuguese simultaneous bilingual children,... -
PhonBLA Querschnittsstudie Madrid
Between 2003 and 2006 the project E3 collected the corpus Madrid-PhonBLA (Bilingual Language Acquisition), which contains cross-sectional data from 71 Spanish-German bilingual...