Pol-InSAR-Island - A Benchmark Dataset for Multi-frequency Pol-InSAR Data Lan...
Pol-InSAR-Island is the first publicly available multi-frequency Polarimetric Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (Pol-InSAR) benchmark dataset for land cover... -
Datasets from MIPAS and GLORIA infrared limb-sounding instruments, from AIDA ...
The data are described in the paper by M. Höpfner et al.: 'Ammonium nitrate particles formed in upper troposphere from ground ammonia sources during Asian monsoons', Nature... -
Data set of meteorological observations (wind, temperature, humidity) collect...
Die meteorologischen Daten zu den Temperatur-, Feuchte- und Windfeldern wurden während vier Messkampagnen in Stuttgart im Sommer 2017, Winter 2017, Sommer 2018 und Winter 2018... -
Volatility of secondary organic aerosol from β-caryophyllene ozonolysis betwe...
We investigated secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from β-caryophyllene oxidation generated over 213-313 K from ozonolysis. Positive matrix factorization (PMF) was used to... -
Water vapour profiles from WAVAS SAtellite component in HARmonized format (WA...
This is the Version 2 of databank of satellite vertical profiles of the water vapour, that have participated in SPARC WAVAS assessment, in a harmonized format, WAVAS_SAHAR. All... -
Water vapour profiles from WAVAS SAtellite component in HARmonized format (WA...
This is the databank of satellite vertical profiles of the water vapour, that have participated in SPARC WAVAS assessment, in a harmonized format, WAVAS_SAHAR. All... -
Version 8 IMK/IAA MIPAS temperatures from 12-15 micrometer spectra: Middle an...
The data set comprises temperature data of the Earth's middle atmosphere region for the years 2005-2012 as derived from the middle atmosphere (T_561), upper atmosphere (T_661),... -
Version 8 IMK/IAA MIPAS ozone profiles: nominal observation mode
The data set comprises ozone data of the Earth's middle atmosphere region for the years 2002-2012 as derieved from the nominal mode mid infrared spectra measurements collected... -
UAS-gestützte Detektion von infrastrukturrelevanten Georisiken - AuDeRi - UAS...
Problemstellung Georisiken wie Erdfälle können ein Risiko für die Sicherheit der Bevölkerung darstellen und Schäden an öffentlichem und privatem Eigentum verursachen.... -
Training data and emulators for the analysis of sensitivity of deep convectiv...
This study aims to identify whether model parameters describing atmospheric conditions such as wind shear or model parameters related to cloud microphysics such as the fall... -
Training data and emulators for the analysis of sensitivity of deep convectiv...
This study aims to identify whether model parameters describing atmospheric conditions such as wind shear or model parameters related to cloud microphysics such as the fall... -
Training data and emulators for the analysis of sensitivity of deep convectiv...
This study aims to identify model parameters describing atmospheric conditions such as wind shear and CCN concentration which lead to large uncertainties in the prediction of... -
Time series of the Seasonal Location Index (SLI) and Rainfall Cluster Index (...
Two separate NETCDF containing time series of the Seasonal Location Index (SLI) and Rainfall Cluster index (RCI). These indices are the basis for the results presented in... -
The MIPAS global climatology of BrONO2 2002–2012 in comparison to EMAC model ...
The first observational dataset of vertically resolved global stratospheric BrONO2 distributions from July 2002 until April 2012, compared to results of the atmospheric chemical... -
The MIPAS/Envisat climatology (2002–2012) of polar stratospheric cloud (PSC) ...
A global data set of vertical profiles of polar stratospheric cloud (PSC) volume density has been derived from Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS)... -
TUNER-compliant error estimation for MIPAS: Methodology - Supplement Software...
Error estimation software and example data Supplement for publication DOI: https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-15-6991-2022 For detailed description of the method and its validation,... -
Supplementary data for the manuscript "Effect of chemically induced fracturin...
Feldspar is an important constituent of airborne mineral dust. Some alkali feldspars exhibit particularly high ice nucleation (IN) activity. This has been related to structural... -
Supplementary data for J. Kleinheins et al. "Thermal imaging of freezing driz...
The freezing process of a supercooled water droplet freely falling through air is a remarkably dynamic and eventful process. During freezing from the outside in, the volume... -
Supplement: MIPAS VMR data and climatological circulation fields for publicat...
This dataset provides the supplementary MIPAS VMR data and resulting climatology of atmospheric circulation fields 2002-2012 for publication... -
Supplement: MIPAS VMR data and circulation fields for publication 10.5194/acp...
This dataset provides the supplementary MIPAS VMR data and resulting atmospheric circulation fields for publication 10.5194/acp-2020-72, using the software provided in...