Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along POLARSTERN cruise track ARK-X...
Version 2, 2016-10-20 -
Documentation of sediment core PS51/092-11
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Meteorological observations during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-XIV/1b
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Profile of sediment echo sounding during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-XIV/1b with li...
File format description see: Data Acquisition of ATLAS PARASTORE, Atlas Hydrographic (2007), Operator Manual ATLAS PARASTORE, Doc. Id.: ED 6006 G 212:/Version: 4.0/Edition:... -
Physical oceanography and hydrochemistry from the Laptev Sea, Arctic Ocean
Combined d18O/salinity data reveal a distinctive water mass generated during winter sea ice formation which is found predominantly in the coastal polynya region of the southern... -
Ostracoda in five sediment cores from the Laptev and Kara seas
Fossil ostracods were investigated in five AMS14C-dated cores from different parts of the Laptev and Kara seas. Three cores from the Laptev Sea shelf are located in river... -
Organic carbon concentrations and isotope ratios of sediments from the Laptev...
Stable carbon isotope ratios in the organic fraction of surface sediments from the Laptev Sea shelf were analyzed in order to study the modern distribution pattern of... -
Methane measurements in the Laptev Sea, Arctic Ocean
In der Wassersäule der Laptew See haben die Bildungs- und Verteilungsbedingungen vielfliltige Ursachen. Für die südliche Lapt ew See konnte eine Methananomalie innerhalb des... -
Multibeam bathymetry raw data (Atlas Hydrosweep DS 2 echo sounder entire data...
Multibeam data were collected during RV Polarstern cruise ARK-XIV/1b. Data are unprocessed and may contain outliers and blunders. Therefore the data should not directly be used... -
Stable isotopes on Macoma calcarea, Laptev Sea
Distance is sampling profile along the shell valve from umbo to ventral margin; shell collected alive on sediment surface -
Stable isotopes on fossile Macoma calcarea, Laptev Sea
Distance is samping profile along the shell valve from umbo to ventral margin, shell collected in 500 cm core depth, age determined by 14C AMS is 7.95 kyr -
Stable isotopes on fossile Macoma calcarea, Laptev Sea
Distance is samping profile along the shell valve from umbo to ventral margin, shell collected in 300 cm core depth, age determined by 14C AMS is 6.725 kyr -
Stable isotopes on fossile Macoma calcarea, Laptev Sea
Distance is samping profile along the shell valve from umbo to ventral margin, shell collected in 210 cm core depth, age determined by 14C AMS is 3.81 kyr -
Stable isotopes on fossile Macoma calcarea, Laptev Sea
Distance is samping profile along the shell valve from umbo to ventral margin, shell collected in 120 cm core depth, age determined by 14C AMS is 1.68 kyr -
Stable isotopes on Astarte borealis, Laptev Sea
Distance is sampling profile along the shell valve from umbo to ventral margin; shell collected alive on sediment surface -
Stable isotopes on Astarte borealis, Laptev Sea
Distance is sampling profile along the shell valve from umbo to ventral margin; shell collected alive on sediment surface -
Ostracodes in bottom sediments of the Laptev Sea
This work is the first detailed description of the Late Pleistocene-Holocene and Recent Ostracoda of the Laptev Sea. A total of 45 species in 22 genera and 13 families have been... -
Age determination of sediment cores from the Laptev Sea
To establish a chronology of the Holocene transgression in Arctic Siberia, a total of 14 sediment cores from the Laptev Sea continental slope and shelf were studied covering the... -
(Table 18) Distribution of ostracode species in Core PS51/154-11
Abundance of ostracodes was calculated per 100 grams of dry bulk sediment weight. -
(Table 17) Distribution of ostracode species in Core PS51/092-12
Abundance of ostracodes was calculated per 100 grams of dry bulk sediment weight.