SOM-undersökningen till utlandssvenskar 2014
In the autumn of 2014 the first SOM survey aimed at Swedes living abroad, was conducted. The SOM survey to expatriates focus, like the National SOM surveys, on three themes -... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2015
In order to identify how the evolution of society affects Swedes’ attitudes and behaviour, the SOM Institute started its National SOM study in 1986. National SOM addresses three... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2016
In order to identify how the evolution of society affects Swedes’ attitudes and behaviour, the SOM Institute started its National SOM study in 1986. National SOM addresses three... -
Svensk kontextdatabas för den svenska Generations and Gender Survey och den i...
The Swedish Contextual Database provides a large number of longitudinal and regional macro-level indicators primarily assembled to facilitate research on the effects of... -
VALU 2018 - SVT:s vallokalsundersökning riksdagsvalet 2018
This exit poll survey was carried out in connection with the parliamentary election on September 9, 2018. In VALU - Swedish exit poll surveys - voters leaving polling stations... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2017
In order to identify how the evolution of society affects Swedes’ attitudes and behaviour, the SOM Institute started its National SOM study in 1986. National SOM addresses three... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2018
In order to identify how the evolution of society affects Swedes’ attitudes and behaviour, the SOM Institute started its National SOM study in 1986. National SOM addresses three... -
VALU 2019 - SVT:s vallokalsundersökning Europaparlamentsvalet 2019
This exit poll survey was carried out in connection with the survey European parliament election 2019. In VALU - Swedish exit poll surveys - voters leaving polling stations are... -
VALU 2022 - SVT:s vallokalsundersökning riksdagsvalet 2022
This exit poll survey was carried out at the parliamentary election 2022 by Sveriges Television (SVT) in collaboration with researchers at the Division of Safety Research, Royal... -
Changes in ecosystem nitrogen and carbon allocation with black mangrove (Avic...
Increases in temperature are expected to facilitate encroachment of tropical mangrove forests into temperate salt marshes, yet the effects on ecosystem services are... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2021
In order to identify how the evolution of society affects Swedes’ attitudes and behaviour, the SOM Institute started its National SOM study in 1986. National SOM addresses three... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2001
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the seventeenth survey in this series. The SOM-institute... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2011
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey - the National SOM - in order to identify the Swedish public's habits and attitudes on the topics... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningens kumulativa dataset
In order to identify how the evolution of society affects Swedes’ attitudes and behaviour, the SOM Institute started its National SOM study in 1986. National SOM addresses three... -
Migration und soziale Probleme als Folge von Wetterextremen
Migration und soziale Probleme als Folge von Wetterextremen: Zu den Folgen von Wetterextremen gehören die Zerstörung der Infrastruktur, die Gefährdung... -
Wasserknappheit in Megastädten am Beispiel Lima
Lima, die Hauptstadt Perus, ist eine typische Megastadt, in der die Ursachen der Wasserkrise zugleich in den natürlichen (klimatischen und demographischen) Gegebenheiten... -
Wirtschaftliche und soziale Folgen der Desertifikation
Desertifikation wird beeinflusst durch Klimaschwankungen, Wasserverfügbarkeit, Bodenverluste sowie menschliche Aktivitäten wie Landbewirtschaftung, Entwaldung,... -
Entwicklung der Weltbevölkerung, Megastädte und Landflucht
Ende 2018 lebten auf der Erde 7,67 Mrd. Menschen: 60% in Asien, 17% in Afrika, 10% in Europa, 8% in Lateinamerika & Karibik, 5% in Nordamerika und 0,5% in Ozeanien. Die...