Towards assessing the preferred usage features of upper limb prostheses: most...
CSV-file with survey results from people with upper limb absence (N=358) in the Netherlands. In the survey participants were asked to select their 10 most important items... -
Replication Data for: Continuously Measured Vital Signs and their Association...
This dataset contains continuously measured heart rate, respiratory rate and oxygen saturation of hospitalised COVID-19 patients. The scripts can be used to calculate summary... -
Evaluative Conditioning as a Body Image Intervention for Adolescents with Eat...
Objective: The aim was to investigate whether a computer-based evaluative conditioning intervention improves body image in adolescents with an eating disorder. Positive effects... -
The Exploratory Value of Cross-Sectional Partial Correlation Networks: Predic...
Objective: Within the network approach to psychopathology, cross-sectional partial correlation networks have frequently been used to estimate relationships between symptoms. The... -
Replication Data for: Pre-operative rehabilitation for dysvascular lower-limb...
Background: Major lower-limb amputation (LLA) predisposes patients post-operatively to a significant decline in daily-life functioning. The physical condition of amputee... -
Variation in prevention of child maltreatment by Dutch child healthcare profe...
Child maltreatment (CM) is a common condition with a large impact on the victim and society. In the Netherlands, the preventive child healthcare (CHC) aims to protect children... -
Catalogue of Hospitals’ adaptations during the Covid-pandemic (ENG-NED)
This dataset contains a catalogue of the adaptations made by hospitals in the Netherlands during the first and second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Microsoft Excel, 2016... -
Selective citation in human literature on phthalates
This folder describes the citation network analysis on the human literature on phthalates. Goal of the research is to identify determinants of selective citation in this field... -
Replication Data for: Conditioning the soil microbiome through plant-soil fee...
Conditioning the soil microbiome through plant-soil feedbacks suppresses an aboveground insect pest -
Raw data: Group level and individual activity of broiler chickens hatched in ...
The aim of this study was to assess the effects of 3 hatching systems on flock activity using a commercial tracking system, and to compare these findings to individual activity... -
Methodological approaches in aggregate formation and microscopic analysis to ...
Microscopy has revolutionised our view on biology and has been vital for many discoveries since its invention around 200 years ago. Recent developments in cell biology have led... -
Dataset: Illness Perceptions in People with Chronic and Disabling Non-Specifi...
This dataset is associated with the article 'Illness Perceptions in People with Chronic and Disabling Non-Specific Neck Pain: a Qualitative Study' and consists the demographic... -
Replication Data for: Is imitational learning a driving factor for the popula...
One Excel-file containing the handedness and imitation performance data used for analysis in sheet 1, and the explanation of the data labels in sheet 2. One exemplary... -
Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills GWAS summary statistics - excluding NTR, 23...
Summary statistics of GWAS of cognitive and noncognitve skills as created and used in Demange et al. 2022 "Estimating effects of parents’ cognitive and non-cognitive skills on... -
Replication Data for: The dynamics underlying the rise of star performers
In the article connected to this data set, we propose that star performers' abilities develop according to a multi-dimensional, multiplicative and dynamical process. Based on... -
Emotional reactivity to daily life stress in spousal caregivers of people wit...
Caregivers differ in their emotional response when facing difficult situations during the caregiving process. Individual differences in vulnerabilities and resources could play... -
Neural correlates of motor skill learning are dependent on both age and task ...
Although a general age-related decline in neural plasticity is evident, the effects of age on neural plasticity after a period of motor practice are inconclusive.... -
Confounding by indication of the safety of de-escalation in community-acquire...
The dataset comprises a part of the data collected for the CAPiTA trial. Only patients and variables that are included for the current analysis are made publicly. Data from... -
Individual Patient Data of the STRENGTHS Randomized Controlled Trials with ad...
The STRENGTHS (Scaling up psychological interventions with Syrian Refugees) project aims to evaluate the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, implementation and scalability of... -
raw data from Minden et al. 2022 - MDPI metabolites
This dataset contains all raw data used to generate the plots from Minden et al. 2022 - MDPI metabolites. Full title: "Monitoring intracellular metabolite dynamics in...