The physics of detergency at low temperature: neutron reflection to reveal su...
Although surfactant detergency is well understood above 30 C, actions of surfactants below 30 C are not well established. In the era of energy saving and environment caring, we... -
Local Structure in Ni-Cr Solid Solutions
The future of aviation relies on the improvement of the efficiency of the jet-turbine engines, which is in turn reliant on the properties of the materials (specifically the... -
Copy of: Investigation of magnetic transitions in a Cobalt based Brownmillerite
Brownmillerites of the form ABO2.5 constitute an interesting variant of oxygen deficient perovskites, with magnetic ions stabilized in alternate octahedral and tetrahedral... -
Low-energy excitations of the quantum critical S=1/2 ladder material Ba2CuTeO6
Ba2CuTeO6 is a newly discovered S=1/2 spin ladder material thought to be uniquely close to the theoretically predicted quantum critical point of the coupled two-leg spin ladder... -
Further Structure of doped chromates
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Microscopic characterization of Ba5AlIr2O11
Iridium-containing oxide magnets are interesting because the different interactions controlling their magnetic properties have similar energies associated with them. This leads... -
Quasielastic intensity distribution and dispersion of low-energy magnetic exc...
In a number of recent experiments on the pure CeB6 compound, we have revealed strong quasielastic inten-sity in the normal (paramagnetic) state with a rich momentum-space... -
Nuclear and magnetic structure determination of Ni-Mn-(In-Sn) Heusler alloys
The aim of the present proposal is to relate the macroscopic magnetic properties with the nuclear and magnetic structure of a series of Ni48Mn36In16-xSnx Heusler alloys. These... -
Magnetic excitations in multiferroic hybrid perovskites
The novel electric, magnetic and multiferroic properties of the metal formate perovskites have resulted in substantial scientific attention over the past fifteen years. Their... -
Structure of zinc sulfide quantum dots from reverse Monte Carlo refinement
Zinc sulfide nanoparticles have a wide range of potential applications, in particular due to their optical properties. Research has enabled ZnS nanoparticles to be prepared with... -
Low temperature Mu-SR experiments in triangular antiferromagnet Ba3NiIr2O9
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The unusually low zero-point energy of ice II: Critical benchmarking against ...
Water displays a highly complex phase diagram that is key to a range of critical processes. Using ISIS facilities, we have recently shown that ammonium-fluoride doping leads to... -
In-situ investigation of nitrogenation process of (Nd,Zr)Fe10Si2 alloys
Tetragonal R(Fe,M)12 compounds (R=rare earth, M transition metal or Si), with the ThMn12 structure, are good candidates as permanent magnet materials with reduced R content.... -
Conformations in partially mixed block copolymers of partially deuterated pol...
Nascent 'disentangled' block copolymers of Ultra-high Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) with a reduced number of entanglements were synthesized having protonated (hPE) and... -
Structural studies of the KSbO3-type osmates Sr6Os6O19 and Bi3Os3O11
Osmium-based oxides show a wide range of interesting properties due to the variety of oxidation states osmium can adopt combined with 5d electrons displaying strong spin-orbit... -
Inelastic Neutron Scattering study on Co-doped CeCu2Ge2
The AFM ground state of CeCu2Ge2 can be continuously suppressed by Co doping and NFL type behavior is seen around the critical concentration xc = 0.6. The electrical resistivity... -
Phonon dispersions in CDW material Na2Ti2Sb2O
Na2Ti2Sb2O has a CDW transition around 120 K . It has a tetragonal structure with alternate layers of Ti2Sb2O2- and Na+ double layer. Interestingly, the Ba1-xNaxTi2Sb2O system... -
A uSR Study of Non-Centrosymmetric Superconductor Re6 Hf
In conventional superconductors gauge symmetry is broken, while in unconventional superconductors other symmetries may also be broken. There has recently been a great deal of... -
PNR Measurement of Spin Pumping in a Metal and an Organic Semiconductor
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Studies of the new S=1/2 triangular lattice spin liquid kappa-ET2Ag2(CN)3 (MUSR)
A new member of the class of S=1/2 triangular lattice quantum spin liquids will be studied with muons. It is obtained by replacing Cu with Ag in the original compound...