28 datasets found

Keywords: speech

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    A VIADAT module; the purpose of VIADAT-TEXT is analysis of transcribed recordings. Developed in cooperation with ÚSD AV ČR and NFA.

    This component integrates other VIADAT modules; together with VIADAT-REPO this composes the Virtual Assistant for accessing historical audiovisual data. The zip archive contains...
  • VIADAT-STAT (2019-12-31)

    A VIADAT module; the purpose of VIADAT-STAT is statistical analysis of recordings stored by the platform. Developed in cooperation with ÚSD AV ČR and NFA.

    VIADAT-SEARCH in connection with VIADAT-REPO enables searching transcripts of oral history recordings. Language analysis has been used to preprocess the recordings, which makes...
  • VIADAT-GIS (2019-12-31)

    A VIADAT module; VIADAT-GIS connects the platform with maps. Developed in cooperation with ÚSD AV ČR and NFA.
  • VIADAT-ANALYZE (2019-12-31)

    A VIADAT module; VIADAT-ANALYZE is an interactive environment that enables the end user to work with stored, annotated and indexed audio recordings. Allowing visualization and...

    A VIADAT module; VIADAT-ANNOTATE is an interactive annotation environment. Developed in cooperation with ÚSD AV ČR and NFA.
  • RWAAI: Repository and Workspace for Austroasiatic Intangible Heritage

    The Repository and Workspace for Austroasiatic Intangible Heritage (RWAAI) is a digital multimedia resource dedicated to the maintenance of research materials documenting the...
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