68 datasets found

Keywords: sexuality

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  • Het waardenpatroon van de Nederlandse bevolking 1969

    A study on the relations between values and attitudes, especially those concerning sexuality. Application of the Rokeach Value Survey ( RVS ) in the Netherlands / relation...
  • Hoe vindt u het om vrouw te zijn 1974

    Discrimination of women / inborn and acquired qualities of men and women / opinion on position and role of women / attitude towards working mothers and equal division of work...
  • Nationaal onderzoek vruchtbaarheid en ouderschapsmotivatie 1975

    Motivation for parenthood / details on pregnancies, marriage and family size / knowledge of contraceptives / family-planning / occupational activities of wife and husband....
  • Effecten van voorlichting ter voorkoming van sexueel overdraagbare aandoening...

    Evaluation of the influence of information in prevention of sexually transmittable diseases on knowledge and behaviour. several background variables / importance of God and...
  • Verkiezingsonderzoek Brandpunt 1970-1971

    Interest and exposure to mass-media / political problems / government spending and taxation / political preference / ( 1 ) threat to freedom / opinions on military service and...
  • Leefsituatie van de Nederlandse jeugd van 13-24 jaar, 1997- LSO'97

    A description of the way of life of the Dutch youth, concerning work, education, income, social relations, sexuality leisure etc., school career and occupational career...
  • Communes in Nederland 1971

    Individual data social career / personal contacts / sexual contacts / motivations to live in commune / group life / opinions about having children / how did r. become member of...
  • VU-student en sexualiteit 1977-1978

    To collect information about behaviour, opinion and knowledge of VU-students' sexual life, and the influence of religion and religious education on feelings concerning...
  • Politieke participatie en autoritarisme 1972

    Authoritarianism / dogmatism / rigidity / progressiveness versus conservatism / socio-economic radicalism / attitude to social welfare laws / premarital and extramarital sexual...
  • Open en bloot 1974

    Evaluation of public reaction to one of a series tv programs on sexual education. Exposure to and opinions on tv-program about venereal diseases in a series called 'open en...
  • Kontinu-onderzoek ( wave 18, dec. 1978 )

    Continuous items for most waves watching tv / reading papers / taking part in discussions on political issues / political knowledge / political participation / party preference...
  • Werkende jongeren 1970

    Working youth / educational and occupational history / attitude towards job / job satisfaction / importance of certain job characteristics / occupational values / courses...
  • Rooms-Katholieke gemeenschap te Wageningen 1964

    Membership ecclesiastical and non-ecclesiastical clubs / participation in parochial activities discussion groups, choir, pilgrimage, prayer sessions etc. / attending mass /...
  • Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1991 - CV'91

    Trend study on changes in general opinions and attitudes of the dutch population. The international part of the survey contains questions about aspects of religion / the...
  • Nieuwe leden van het COC 1970

    Motivations for membership / psychological problems / preoccupations / social and sexual contacts / self-evaluation / leisure activities / relationship to parents /...
  • Kontinu-onderzoek ( wave 01, jan. 1972 )

    Continuous items for most waves watching tv / reading papers / taking part in discussions on political issues / political knowledge / political participation / party preference...
  • Menopauze en perimenopauze 1972

    Relation to parents in youth / sexual education / reasons to work / leisure activities / sexual relationship to husband / sexual experiences / attitude to sex / attitude to the...
  • Emancipatie-opinies 2004 - EMOP'04

    This survey is part of a number of surveys intended to examine the progress of the emancipation of women in the Netherlands. Opinions regarding sharing the care for children,...
  • Niet gehuwd moeder zijn . . En dan? 1971-1974

    Intake and follow-up study of unmarried mothers family relations / social relations / child / work / education / housing / opinions on marriage and other ways of living together...
  • Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1987 - CV'87

    Trend study on changes in general opinions and attitudes of ( parts of ) the Dutch population. Work, income versus leisure / job satisfaction, pressure of work / satisfaction...
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