Effects of increasing hydrostatic pressure on sinking diatom aggregates
The effect of increasing hydrostatic pressure on the microbial degradation, the organic matter composition, and the microbiome of 'marine snow' particles was studied in... -
Size bins for aggregates exposed to varying concentrations of microfibres
Microfibre abundance in aggregates were defined by counting microfibres observed in images of aggregates and then extrapolated per mm of the aggregate imaged. Microfiber... -
Microfibre abundance in aggregates exposed to varying concentrations of micro...
Aggregate size or ECD is measured in mm. The video recordings were used to determine size-specific sinking velocities of the individually formed aggregates based on the method... -
Physical properties of aggregates exposed to varying concentrations of microf...
Size, volume and settling velocity were measured by making a recording of the rotating tanks using a commercial digital single-lens reflex camera (Canon) equipped with a...