31 datasets found

Keywords: galaxy radii

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  • Siena Galaxy Atlas 2020 (SGA-2020)

    We present the 2020 version of the Siena Galaxy Atlas (SGA-2020), a multiwavelength optical and infrared imaging atlas of 383620 nearby galaxies. The SGA-2020 uses optical grz...
  • Morphology of COSMOS -UltraVISTA -DASH galaxies

    By applying our previously developed two-step scheme for galaxy morphology classification, we present a catalog of galaxy morphology for H-band-selected massive galaxies in the...
  • SMUDGes V. The complete catalog of UDGs from DR9

    We present the completed catalog of ultradiffuse galaxy (UDG) candidates (7070 objects) from our search of the DR9 Legacy Survey images, including distance and total mass...
  • Ultradiffuse gal. with HSC. I. Coma cluster UDGs

    This is the first in a series of papers on the properties of ultradiffuse galaxies (UDGs) in clusters of galaxies. We present an updated catalog of UDGs in the Coma Cluster...
  • Subaru/HSC imaging of SQuIGGLE z~0.7 galaxies

    We present structural measurements of 145 spectroscopically selected intermediate-redshift (z~0.7), massive (M_*~10^11^M{sun}_) post-starburst galaxies from the SQuIGG->LE...
  • Dynamical masses of z~0.8 galaxies from LEGA-C

    We compare dynamical mass estimates based on spatially extended stellar and ionized gas kinematics (M_dyn, and M_dyn,eml, respectively) of 157 star-forming galaxies at...
  • HFF cluster observations of z~4-8 galaxies

    We constrain the rest-UV size-luminosity relation for star-forming galaxies at z~4 and z~6, 7, and 8 identified behind clusters from the Hubble Frontier Fields (HFF) program....
  • Morphological asymmetry of massive low-z galaxies

    The morphology of galaxies reflects their assembly history and ongoing dynamical perturbations from the environment. Analyzing stacked i-band images from the Pan-STARRS1 3{pi}...
  • The COSMOS-DASH morphological catalog

    We present the H_160_ morphological catalogs for the COSMOS-DASH survey, the largest area near-IR survey using HST-WFC3 to date. Utilizing the "Drift And SHift" observing...
  • Stellar kinematics of LEGA-C galaxies

    We present spatially resolved stellar kinematics for 797 z=0.6-1 galaxies selected from the LEGA-C survey and construct axisymmetric Jeans models to quantify their dynamical...
  • Low-rotating elliptical galaxies in MaNGA

    Pressure-supported systems modeled under Modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND)ian extended gravity are expected to show an outer flattening in their velocity dispersion profiles. A...
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